Kendo UI for Angular

Angular Chart Component

Enterprise-grade data visualization in a very easy to implement Angular Chart component.

  • Choose virtually any data visualization from simple pie, line, and column to complex stock chart types.
  • Built natively for Angular to take full advantage of framework performance and features.
  • Part of the 100+ component Kendo UI for Angular library.
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Kendo UI for Angular customers

High Performing, Beautiful Angular Data Visualizations

Professional design, interactive, high-performance and everything else your users expect. Below are just some of the popular features.

Mouse over the chart to see interactions.

Series Types

Area and Vertical Area Chart

  • Configure these the Angular Area Charts by choosing options such as area color, overlay opacity and more.
  • The stacking order can either be implicit or controlled through a user-set zIndex.
  • Vertical Area Charts are functionally equivalent to Area Charts but transpose the axes—the category axis is vertical, and the value axis is horizontal.
See the Angular Area and Vertical Area Chart demo
Angular Area and Vertical Area Chart
Series Types

Bar and Column Chart

  • Configure these Angular Bar Charts by choosing series colors, spacing between bars, and more.
  • Stacked Bar and 100% Stacked Bar also included.
  • Bar and Column charts are identical except the axes are transposed.
See the Angular Bar Chart demos
Angular Bar Chart
Series Types

Box Plot Chart

  • The Angular Box Plot Chart displays data distribution summary with six indicators (lower value, first quartile, median, mean, third quartile, upper value) and outliers for each series of data.
  • Customize the appearance of the mean and median lines, outliers, and whiskers.
See the Angular Box Plot Chart demo
Angular Box Plot Chart
Series Types

Bubble Chart

  • A type of scatter chart, the Angular Bubble Chart displays points with sizes defined by the value of an item.
  • Useful for scientific, economic, and social relations.
See the Angular Bubble Chart demo
Angular Bubble Chart
Series Types

Bullet Chart

  • A variation of bar chart, the Angular Buller Chart compares a given quantitative measure, such as temperature, against a qualitative range, such as warm, hot, and cold, and a symbol marker which encodes the comparative measure, such as the max temperature a year ago.
  • Often used as a replacement for dashboard gauges.
See the Angular Bullet Chart demo
Angular Bullet Chart
Series Types

Donut Chart

  • A variation of pie charts, the Angular Donut Chart can display multiple series.
  • Many developers use the center area to display addition information.
See the Angular Donut Chart demo
Angular Donut Chart
Series Types

Funnel Chart

  • The Angular Funnel chart displays a series of data in progressively decreasing or increasing proportions that are organized in segments, where each segment represents the value for the item from the series.
  • Values can also influence size and shape of the segments.
  • Basic configuration options include funnel shape and dynamic slope and height (based on item value).
See the Angular Funnel Chart demo
Angular Funnel Chart
Series Types

Heatmap Chart

  • The Angular Heatmap Chart uses colors to indicate relative value of data points.
  • Features include color scales, marker shapes and more.
See the Angular Heatmap Chart demo
Angular Heatmap Chart
Series Types

Line and Vertical Line Chart

  • The Angular Line Chart is a easy-to-implement version of the most common chart type.
  • Among many customization options are lines style (normal, step, smooth) and color.
See the Angular Line Chart demo
Angular Line Chart
Series Types

Pie Chart

  • The Angular Pie chart is a common chart type that can bind to numbers, arrays, or objects (aka models).
  • Flexible labeling is built in. Choose to auto-fit to the container to prevent clipping. Display them in circular or column layout.
See the Angular Pie Chart demo
Angular Pie Chart
Series Types

Polar Chart

The Angular Polar Chart displays multivariable (three or more variables) data in the for of a two-dimensional chart.

See the Angular Polar Chart demo
Angular Polar Chart
Series Types

Radar Chart

The Angular Radar Chart, also called Spider Chart) is useful for comparing two or more series of data. It wraps the X axis in a circle which makes the data series form a distinct shape.

See the Angular Radar Chart demo
Angular Radar Chart
Series Types

Range Area Chart

The Angular Range Area chart is a variation of the standard Area chart. The difference is that only the overlay area is filled. It is very useful for comparing data.

See the Angular Range Area Chart demo
Angular Range Area Chart
Series Types

Range Bar Chart

The Angular Range Bar Chart is a variation of the standard Bar Chart. The difference is that only the overlay area is filled. It is very useful for comparing data.

See the Angular Range Bar Chart demo
Angular Range Bar Chart
Series Types

Scatter Chart

  • The Angular Scatter Chart component includes Scatter Plot and Scatter Line types.
  • These charts are particularly useful for showing data across two variables.
See the Angular Scatter Chart demos
Angular Scatter Chart
Series Types

Waterfall Chart

Waterfall charts tell the story of a change in data over time or category by showing a beginning value, additions or subtractions, and an ending value.

See the Angular Waterfall Chart demo
Angular Waterfall Chart
Other Charts

Stock Chart

  • The Angular Stock Chart shows the price movement of a stock over time.
  • This is a separate component that extends the base Charts component and shares its features.
  • A built-in navigator pane helps users zero in on the data they’d like to see.
See the Angular Stock Chart demo
Angular Stock Chart
Other Charts


  • The Angular Sparkline is a tiny chart without axes, coordinates, legends, titles, or other chart-specific elements.
  • They are mostly embedded into tables, headlines, or in the context of text.
  • Line, bar, column, area, pie, and bullet types are supported.
See the Angular Sparkline demo
Angular Sparkline
Chart Elements


  • Chart categorical or time series data
  • Choose date range
  • Display multiple axes
  • Customize label position or limit number of labels
  • Plat aggregates
See the Angular Chart Axes demos
Angular Chart Axes
Chart Elements


When chart labels are hidden, it can be difficult to see a data point’s specific X and Y value. With the built-in Crosshairs feature of the Kendo UI for Angular Charts component, you enable a crossing line moving perpendicularly to either axis that allows users to see the exact value at their current cursor position.

See the Angular Chart Crosshairs demo
Angular Chart Crosshairs
Chart Elements

Error Bars

Display margins of error to indicate data points variability with Error Bars. In Kendo UI for Angular Charts, you can define the high and low fields associated with every value, allowing for an indicator to show where within a range of possible values the rendered data point falls.

See the Angular Chart Error Bars demo
Angular Chart Error Bars
Chart Elements


The data series and axis labels are completely customizable. On the basic level, set the appearance, position, and visibility. For more advanced scenarios, load custom content or non-textual visuals.

See the Angular Chart Labels demo
Angular Chart Labels
Chart Elements


Panes allow you to divide a chart area into two or more charts that can share a common category axis. It’s great for comparing related trends.

See the Angular Chart Panes demo
Angular Chart Panes
Chart Elements

Plot Bands

Plot Bands allow you to highlight a specific range on a series axis, both X and Y. In this way you can showcase a range of good or bad numbers or draw attention to a certain area of the Angular Chart. You can define an unlimited number of plot bands in a single Angular Chart.

See the Angular Chart Plot Bands demo
Angular Chart Plot Bands
Chart Elements


The Kendo UI for Angular Charts allow users to select a single, or a range of, data point(s) inside the chart. You can select data items with a single click through either dragging the mouse over a large area of the chart or working with a selection overlay that includes drag handles to help modify the range of selection.

See the Angular Chart Selection demo
Angular Chart Selection
Chart Elements


Use Tooltips to interactively provide users with additional information about specific values or fields not necessarily displayed within the Angular Chart. Tooltips can be displayed by hovering over a particular chart element. You can also display tooltips with a set of crosshairs that move along with the mouse to indicate the current X and Y value of the mouse pointer location.

See the Angular Chart Tooltips demo
Angular Chart Tooltip

Right-to-Left Support

You can enable RTL mode to display the control’s text and UI elements from left to right.

Angular Chart Right-to-left Support
Data Binding

Flexible Data Binding

You can easily and flexibly bind the Kendo UI for Angular Chart components to various forms of data. This includes binding to simple arrays with X and Y values and into more advanced data types and objects with fields. Data binding comes with several helpful configuration options for binding to dates.

See the Angular Chart Data Binding demos
Angular Chart Data Binding
Kendo UI for Angular curves

Why Developers Love Using the Kendo UI for Angular Chart

  • TypeScript for Maintenance and Scalability
  • Blazing Performance
  • Full Accessibility
  • Documentation and Demos
  • Responsive Design
  • Localization and Globalization
  • Customize Everything
  • Themes and Design Systems
  • Integrate with Other Components in Kendo UI for Angular
Kendo UI for Angular Chart

The Kendo UI Advantage

We are heavily invested in making sure your experience with the Angular Chart is as successful and enjoyable as it can be. We are constantly publishing resources, refining our docs and demos, and even streaming on Twitch. Here is some of our most popular resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Makes the Kendo UI for Angular Chart Component Better?
  • What are some common use cases for the Kendo UI for Angular Chart Component?
  • Can I try the Kendo UI for Angular Chart Component?

All Angular UI Components