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Coming in 2023

The KendoReact Team is excited to announce the roadmap for new components and features on our list for release. Many of these items will be released this summer as part of R2 and others will come shortly after. 

To keep the flow of updates dynamic, we release interim updates that lead up to each major release. Here is what we plan for this year:

  • June - R2 2023
  • July - R3 2023 Iteration 1
  • August - R3 2023 Iteration 2 
  • October - R3 2023 (final) 

Feedback from our customers is a big piece of these plans. The KendoReact components have evolved to what they are today thanks to feedback from folks like you. Feel free to share your plans, requirements, and ideas for what you would like to see next in the KendoReact library by posting in our feedback portal.  

The items below are what we feel comfortable announcing today, but there is more on our radar. Check back periodically for updates.


React Spreadsheet UI Component

New component

The new KendoReact Spreadsheet UI component will bring Excel-inspired user experiences and many of the well-known features for data binding, selection, formatting, editing, and more in your React applications.


New React OrgChart Component

New component

The new React OrgChart UI component will allow you to visualize organizational structures and let end users easily navigate to people or positions they wish to learn more about. This component renders hierarchical data with built-in expansion and collision of multiple nodes for easy navigation.

Change in Icons


As part of our continuous efforts to improve the Telerik and Kendo UI products’ quality, theming mechanism and Content Security Policy (CSP) compliance, we are planning to transition gradually from font icons to SVG icons.

Step 1: SVG Icons (R1 2023 – January 2023)

Starting in R1 2023, we introduced and started incorporating SVG icons into Telerik and Kendo UI products. We provided a global configuration setting that enables you to keep the current default font icon type, but also allows you to render SVG icons.

Step 2: SVG Icons as Default in Telerik and Kendo UI Components (R2 2023 – June 2023)

With R2 2023, we will perform a change in the default type of icons in Telerik and Kendo UI libraries and components from font to SVG. This change marks the next milestone in a series of improvements related to Content Security Policy (CSP).

Step 3: Detach Font Icons from Themes (R3 2023 – October 2023)

With R3 2023, we aim to extract the Font icons as a separate package and detach the inline font declaration from the Telerik and Kendo UI themes.

Important to note is that the themes will continue to support both font and SVG icons in components, thus allowing you to decide which type of icons to take advantage of. However, using the font icons will require a separate stylesheet to be referenced by clients.

These last bits of changes will allow us to provide our customers with a more secure and efficient icon system and the option to load and reference only needed resources.

Read about the strategy for improving Telerik and Kendo UI web component libraries by moving from font icons to SVG icons in the dedicated blog post.

Design System Documentation


We launched the new Telerik and Kendo UI design system documentation site containing resources, design assets and frontend documentation for Telerik and Kendo UI libraries.

This initial release of the Progress Design System site contains related design and frontend documentation for nearly 20 of the most essential components, and we aim to continuously expand it with the ultimate goal of providing everything you need to create intuitive and beautiful digital experiences and design systems based on Telerik and Kendo UI component libraries.

Our plan is to continuously enhance the design system documentation site throughout 2023 and allow you to easily build your own design system based on Telerik and Kendo UI components.

Chart Enhancements

New feature

Thanks to your requests in the product feedback portal, we plan to ship the following new features and improvements in the KendoReact Chart components:

  • Drill-down option for data series
  • Improved animations
  • Control of chart legend display
  • and more!

Trendline Chart Component

New component
In 2023 we plan to expand the collection of React Chart components by adding a Trendline chart. You will be able to easily illustrate trends in data series and provide charting predictions capabilities to your React applications.

Timeline Component

New component R2 2023
The KendoReact Timeline component will allow you to visualize a list of chronological events in a professionally designed manner. The timeline will support both vertical and horizontal orientation, as well as options to render custom content and collapse/expand events. 

Content Security Policy (CSP) compliance


Pursuing the goal to be CSP compatible and ultimately ensure strict CSP compliance for KendoReact, we are planning to implement the following incremental changes in 2023:

  • With R2 2023, we plan to replace all font icons internally used with SVG icons in order to address the font-src directive;
  • Further in 2023, we plan to detach font-related CSS from Kendo themes in order to remove the need for the font-src directive.

Adaptiveness of UI Components


We will work towards making sure KendoReact UI components adjust smoothly to various screen sizes. On the short term roadmap plan we will work to ensure adaptiveness and responsiveness of:

  • Select and editor type controls such as AutoComplete, ComboBox, MultiSelect, etc., plus the Date & Time picker UI components
  • Breadcrumb, Toolbar, Pager, Window/Dialog
  • Data Grid component

DataGrid Improvements


The KendoReact team will be busy adding features to the native React Data Grid. One of the most popular components in the UI library today, this will remain a big focus for development in upcoming releases. These features include, but are not limited to:

  • Configuration options to control the number of records to be pre-rendered during Virtual Scrolling
  • Column Re-Ordering Auto-Scroll
  • Copy & Copy With Headers options for Selected Cells
  • Dedicated context menu
  • New “All Pages” option in pager
  • Selection data aggregation
  • Tabbed Interface in Column Menu
  • and more

Wizard Component

New component
The KendoReact Wizard lets users create a multi-step process which guides uses step-by-step through a particular process. Building on top of the already popular React Stepper component, the Wizard will be focused on helping developers build longer forms which are then broken down to more manageable steps.

Date Editing UX Improvements

Improvement R2 2023
In 2023 we plan to improve the user experience related to navigation, editing, and validation in the KednoReact DateInput and Date & Time picker components.

Improvements in Gantt Popup Editing

New feature
We will improve the KendoReact Gantt component popup edit form by adding a tabs feature and exposing additional task properties that can be configured in it.

Accessibility Improvements

In our upcoming 2023 releases, we will continue with our efforts to improve the overall accessibility of KendoReact UI components, ensuring the highest level of compliance with WAI-ARIA, Section 508, and the new WCAG 2.2 standards.

PivotGrid Enhancements

New feature

Towards the end of 2023 we will work towards expanding the functionality of the KendoReact PivotGrid component. You will be able to take advantage of the new built-in features such as:

  • Running Totals
  • Summary Display Modes
  • Expand All / Collapse All

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