KendoReact Changelog

Latest Release
14 September 2023

Bug Fixes

  • autocomplete: update keyboard navigation
  • buttons:
    • floating action button items not supporting svg icons
    • onClose event is not triggered properly in controlled mode
  • chip: apply icon size property
  • combobox: update keyboard navigation
  • dropdownlist: update keyboard navigation
  • dropdowntree: update keyboard navigation
  • grid:
    • pager accessibility issues
    • tdProps is empty if the column does not have a field property
  • inputs:
    • typing decimal separator over all selection in NumericTextBox
    • setting the value does not change the color telerik/kendo-react#1683
  • layout: timeline altermode add card direction validation
  • tableselection: fix drag selection with container-type
  • treelist:
    • js error when click header
    • columns resizing triggers reordering telerik/kendo-react#1632
  • utils: IconWrap does not get correct icon name


  • dateinputs: add open and close events on date time pickers
  • button: add ariaLabel prop to the Chip
  • grid: add aria-label prop to GridToolbar

Rendering Changes


  • remove the k-calendar-content class from the k-content elements


  • remove the k-time-part class from the TimePicker popup wrapper.

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0

Current Dev
14 September 2023

Bug Fixes

  • tdProps is empty if the column does not have a field property telerik/kendo-reac
  • autocomplete: update keyboard navigation
  • buttons: onClose event is not triggered properly in controlled mode telerik/kendo-react#1
  • chip: apply icon size property
  • combobox: update keyboard navigation
  • dropdownlist: update keyboard navigation
  • dropdowntree: update keyboard navigation
  • grid: pager accessibility issues
  • inputs:
    • typing decimal separator over all selection in NumericTextBox
    • setting the value does does not change the color telerik/kendo-react#1683
  • layout: timeline altermode add card direction validation
  • tableselection: fix drag selection with container-type
  • treelist:
    • js error when click header #2769
    • columns resizing triggers reordering telerik/kendo-react#1632
  • utils: IconWrap does not get correct icon name


  • add open and close events on date time pickers telerik/kendo-react#1679
  • button: add ariaLabel prop to the Chip
  • grid: add aria-label prop to GridToolbar

Rendering Changes


  • remove the k-calendar-content class from the k-content elements


  • remove the k-time-part class from the TimePicker popup wrapper.

29 August 2023

Bug Fixes

  • dateinputs: DateRangePicker fix view pattern on navigate to next and previous
  • grid:
    • resizing not working when nested template is used telerik/kendo-react#1660
    • locked resized column is not updated correctly
    • group sorting is not working telerik/kendo-react#1655
  • layout:
    • expansionPanel svg icons not rendering if passed
    • PanelBarItem icon prop type
    • menu expand arrow rendering missing wrapping span element
  • pdf-viewer:
    • file open button cannot be clicked
  • spreadsheet:
    • validate font-size combobox input
    • rows and columns insert/delete tools disabled state
  • upload: add uploading svg icon


  • autocomplete: add 'disabled' items configuration
  • buttons: add avatar support to chip
  • combobox: add 'disabled' items configuration
  • dropdownlist: add 'disabled' items configuration
  • layout:
    • add breadcrumb sizing options
    • add End and Home buttons in Timeline horizontal keyboard navigation
    • add Timeline keyboard navigation
    • add alt prop to CardImage
  • map: add support for SVG icons
  • multicolumncombobox: add 'disabled' items configuration
  • multiselect: add 'disabled' items configuration
  • spreadsheet:
    • add increase and decrease decimal tools
    • add increase and decrease font size tools
    • add align horizontal and vertical tools
    • add errors handling
  • tooltip: add positioning props of the actions bar in popover

Rendering Changes


  • add k-card-list class to the list attachments
  • MessageGroup now uses the Avatar component
  • switch k-message-box element from <div> to <span>
  • wrap the k-chat-send element with k-input-suffix
  • rename the k-bubble class to k-chat-bubble
  • rename the k-button-send class to k-chat-send
  • rename the k-icon-button k-button-send class to k-chat-send
  • replace inline SVG icons with Kendo icons
  • replace the classNames of the input in the message box with k-input-inner
  • remove the k-widget class.
  • remove k-card-wrap class.


  • change the k-pager-info element from <div> to <span>
  • replace k-textbox with NumericTextBox component
  • wrap the pageMessage label in a <span> element
  • wrap the ofMessage label in a <span> element
  • wrapped the itemPerPageMessage label in a <span> element
  • removed k-label class from k-pager-input


  • change k-window-title and k-dialog-title elements from <div> to <span>


  • add labels to AddExpresion and AddGroup buttons
  • add k-toolbar-button and k-toolbar-button-group classes to the nested Button and ButtonGroup components
  • add labels to AddExpresion and AddGroup buttons
  • remove the ToolbarItem wrapper of the Button and ButtonGroup elements


  • add labelClassName prop to the Checkbox label element
  • add labelClassName prop to the Input floating label element


  • add labelClassName prop to the FloatingLabel component


  • add k-popup class to the k-popover element
  • add orientation and alignment props to the PopoverActionsBar component
  • move k-child-animation-container as a stand-alone wrapper
  • remove k-animation-container-relative class


  • rename the k-skeleton-rectangle class to k-skeleton-rect


  • change the k-scrollview-prev and k-scrollview-next elements from <a> to <span>
  • change the k-scrollview-nav element from <ul> to <div>
  • change the k-link element from <li> to <span>


  • k-layout-item-hint element is now a sibling to the k-tilelayout-item one

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0

26 July 2023

Bug Fixes

  • utils: licence validation banner in ssr

25 July 2023

Bug Fixes

  • inputs: numeric minus clears value when the value is selected telerik/kendo-react#1042
  • treelist: provide options for using columnmenu telerik/kendo-react#1478


  • charts: add license validation watermark
  • dialogs: add license validation watermark
  • editor: add license validation watermark
  • gantt: add license validation watermark
  • grid: add license validation watermark
  • layout: add license validation watermark
  • pdf-viewer: add license validation watermark
  • scheduler: add license validation watermark
  • spreadsheet: add license validation watermark

19 July 2023

Bug Fixes

  • charts: error when donut center template uses hooks
  • dropdowns: show placeholder on MultiSelectTree
  • grid:
    • reset table width on column width update
    • js error is thrown when column is dragged telerik/kendo-react#1631
    • add title attribute to GridColumnMenu
  • layout:
    • resizing does not work when ignoreDrag telerik/kendo-react#1610
    • typescript error with styled-component telerik/kendo-react#1444
  • scheduler: weekends not highlighted correctly telerik/kendo-react#1496


  • charts: add support for Drilldown
  • editor: add tableProperties and tableCellProperties tools
  • layout:
    • add transitionDuration prop to timeline
    • add Timeline horizontal mode
  • treelist: add k-treelist-toggle to toggle button

8 June 2023

Bug Fixes

  • dateinputs: datepicker does not select correct month using react18 api

5 June 2023

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: dropdownbutton click event not thrown
  • grid: cell selection with CTRL key should toggle the selection telerik/kendo-react#128
  • inputs:
    • rating does not set state zero correctly
    • fix half precision mode in rating
  • pager: more pages button is not rendered in numeric type telerik/kendo-react#1542
  • scheduler:
    • switching views in timeline view causes misalignment telerik/kendo-react#1486
    • marks all items selected on view change telerik/kendo-react#1483
  • sortable: error raises in specific scenario
  • treeview: text should not be selected on drag telerik/kendo-react#1219
  • upload: drag and drop events not triggered correctly telerik/kendo-react#1522


  • add size to icons
  • switch default font icons to svg icons
  • dateinputs:
    • add adaptive mode to DateTimePicker
    • add adaptive mode to DateRangePicker
    • add adaptive mode to TimePicker
  • dropdowns: add title prop to ComboBox
  • grid: add cells prop option to allow customizing the cells separately
  • layout: add timeline component
  • spreadsheet: add spreadsheet component
  • utils: add xxl and xxxl icon sizes

Rendering Changes

  • buttons:
    • remove shape prop from Floating Action Buttons demo examples
  • inputs:
    • add k-button-group-flat className to the ButtonGroup rendered by FlatColorPicker
    • remove obsolete k-colorpalette-table-wrap wrapper element and k-palette className from ColorPalette component
    • remove obsolete k-widget className from slider components
  • dropdowns:
    • replace the <input /> element in ListFilter with the TextBox component
    • remove k-list-container className from the popups of DropDownTree and MultiSelectTree
    • replace k-multiselect className with k-multiselecttree
    • overwrite ComboBox popup classNames with MultiColumnComboBox popup classNames
    • remove k-reset popup className from ComboBox when used in MultiColumnComboBox
    • add k-virtual-table className to the list rendered by MultiColumnList when there is virtualization
  • layout:
    • add the combined k-bottom-nav-${fillMode}-${themeColor} className to BottomNavigation
    • add deprecation notice for the fill prop
    • remove k-flex-none className from BreadcrumbListItem component
    • remove k-cursor-pointer and k-flex-none from BreadcrumbLink component
    • remove k-breadcrumb-icontext-link from BreadcrumbLink component
    • add wrapper element with k-breadcrumb-item-text className to BreadcrumbLink component' text
    • add k-breadcrumb-icontext-link className to BreadcrumbLink if there are icon and text, and k-breadcrumb-icon-link className when there is only icon
    • add k-breadcrumb-root-link className to the first item rendered by the BreadcrumbLink component
    • add k-breadcrumb-root-item className to the first item rendered by the BreadcrumbListItem component
    • add k-breadcrumb-last-item className to the last item rendered by the BreadcrumbListItem component
    • remove k-flex-wrap className from BreadcrumbOrderedList
  • scheduler:
    • add k-toolbar-button className to the button in ViewSelectorItem
    • remove k-scheduler-views-wrapper wrapper element from ViewSelectorList component
    • remove <ViewSelector> element wrapping <ViewSelectorList />
    • add k-scheduler-views className in desktop view and k-scheduler-tools in mobile view to ViewSelectorList

1 May 2023

Bug Fixes

  • grid: prevent page scroll when scroll into view
  • scheduler: schedulerProportionalViewItem throws error in WeekView on drag
  • sortable: onDragEnd is never fired in strict mode

25 April 2023

Bug Fixes

  • charts: do not scroll document on selection change
  • datatools: select element is rendered with input type
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • map: do not scroll document on zoom in FF
  • pager: incorrect classes used for adaptive story telerik/kendo-react-private#2022
  • pdf-viewer: bump pdfjs-dist in /packages/pdf-viewer
  • scheduler: editable add false should make events take 100% in day views


  • autocomplete: add grouping functionality
  • combobox:
    • add custom template option for the grouping sticky header
    • add template for grouping headers
    • add modern Grouping mode
  • dateinputs: add adaptive mode to DatePicker
  • dropdownlist: add grouping functionality
  • dropdowns:
    • add adaptive mode to MultiColumnComboBox
    • add adaptive mode to Multiselect
    • add adaptive mode to DropdownTree
    • add adaptive mode to MultiSelectTree
    • add adaptive mode for dropdownlist
  • inputs:
    • add FlatColorPicker opacity and format props
    • add FlatColorPicker onChange event
  • map: add onRefresh prop and loadMarks method
  • multicolumncombobox: add modern group mode
  • multiselect: add grouping functionality
  • stock-chart: add navigator.position option

30 March 2023

Bug Fixes

  • dropdowns: ComboBox raises an error in SSR scenario
  • map: could not resolve dependency error

15 March 2023

Bug Fixes

  • datatools: provide additional PagerChange event interface
  • dropdowns: dropdownlist not focused on click if opened telerik/kendo-react#1426
  • grid:
    • fix inconsistent element rendering
    • remove custom class from grid table element
    • reordering the group fields when no groups initially telerik/kendo-react#1484
    • reset virtual scroll if dataState has changed
    • virtual scrolling in react 18 strict mode
  • pdf-viewer:
    • bump pdfjs-dist in /packages/pdf-viewer
    • pdf-viewer content rendered twice in strict mode
    • bump pdfjs-dist in /packages/pdf-viewer


  • actionsheet: add keyboard navigation
  • dropdowns: add adaptive mode to comboBox
  • grid: allow All in pageSizes option
  • layout: add ContextMenu component

3 February 2023

Bug Fixes

  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common to 1.9.4
  • grid:
    • grid with details renders two hierarchy columns in strict mode
    • columns cannot be reordered inside shadowRoot
    • column menu checkbox filter button position
  • layout: tabstrip navigation rtl scroll validation
  • pdf-viewer: PDF Viewer raises error in strict mode


  • dropdowns: add aria-required attribute
  • layout: tabstrip scrolling tabs in RTL mode

25 January 2023

Bug Fixes

  • grid: js error on hiding the grid
  • upload: hover button styles are not visible

18 January 2023

Bug Fixes

  • all:
    • bump @progress/kendo-licensing to 1.3.0
    • bump @progress/kendo-drawing to 1.17.2
  • buttons: removed obsolete shape prop
  • charts: better tooltip tracking for line series
  • dateinputs: changed calendar today element to button
  • grid:
    • page scrolls when columnmenu open button is clicked
    • blank space at bottom when horizontal scroll @telerik/kendo-react#242
  • listbox: update rendering of the toolbar
  • map: bump dependencies
  • notification: update rendering
  • pdf-viewer:
    • typescript error
    • update kendo-draggable reference
  • pivotgrid:
    • multiple measures are rendered in wrong order
    • local-data state is created from outdated datatree
  • sortable: items having different height keeps switching places


  • add PDF Viewer component
  • add actionsheet component
  • all: add support for svg icons
  • form: add sizing
  • grid:
    • add dragged columnId prop in GridColumnReorderEvent
    • add compact grid
    • add option for grouping sections lock
    • add aria label prop
  • inputs: add adornments to MaskedTextBox, NumerictextBox

26 October 2022

Bug Fixes

  • grid: drag & drop issues in react 18 and strict mode
  • inputs:
    • ColorGradient inputs throw error when the value is changed
    • export at same size when using the Signature dialog
    • move first tab stop to Signature image
    • focus Signature minimize button on dialog open
    • close Signature popup on Esc
  • layout: add default sizing class to menu items
  • tabstrip: scroll behavior
  • tooltips: popover position if size is not set


  • layout: add TabStrip scrollable tabs

7 October 2022

Bug Fixes

  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • inputs:
    • TextArea correct height on delete
    • read Signature color and background color from theme
    • use correct Signature minimize icon
    • remove unsupported rounded: 'full' option
    • NumericTextBox invalid ranged values
  • popup: set correct display style
  • tooltip: wrong propType for popover title
  • treelist: no data rendered in specific scenario in react 18 strict mode


  • charts: add bullet chart labels
  • inputs: close Signature dialog on Esc

14 September 2022

Bug Fixes

  • badge: restore deprecated properties
  • dropdowns:
    • correct icon when iconClass is present
    • onBlur is triggered after expand icon click
  • indicators: address always truthy check
  • inputs: correct kendo-drawing dependency


  • badge: update badge options
  • charts: add subtitle

7 September 2022

Bug Fixes

  • all: bump typescript to 4.8.2
  • buttons:
    • toggleable button role
    • place aria-activedescendant to the proper element
  • charts: global document usage
  • common: draggable scroll reset on cancel
  • dropdowns:
    • move k-list out of k-popup element to match rendering requirements for multisele
    • move k-list out of k-popup element to match rendering requirements for autocompl
    • move k-list out of k-popup element to match rendering requirements
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • excel: add collapsible to export options
  • gauges:
    • global document usage
    • gauges show up twice in react 18 strictmode
  • inputs:
    • remove radiogroup item role to match ux guidelines
    • switch scrolls the page on pressing space key
    • textarea missing value in onchange event target
  • intl: use @progress/kendo-intl
  • layout:
    • preventDefault error on Splitter resize
    • ExpansionPanel scrolls the page on pressing space key
  • scheduler:
    • double timezone parsing incorrect occurences
    • missing isWorkDay value
    • use @progress/kendo-draggable
  • signature: use correct fillMode class
  • sortable: do not call onDragStart on press
  • upload: Upload scrolls the page on pressing space key


  • buttons:
    • add title prop to dropdownbutton and splitbutton
    • add ariaLabel prop to DropDownButton and SplitButton
  • editor:
    • add keyboard navigation for disabled tools
    • improve accessibility
  • inputs:
    • add TextBox component
    • add Signature component
  • map: add API for transforming map coordinates
  • utils:
    • add tabIndex property to the Icon component
    • add id property to the Icon component

Rendering Changes

  • buttons:
    • move k-chip-remove-action className from k-icon to k-chip-actions element inside the Chip component
    • replace the default shape property from rectangle to null — the shape property will be deprecated with v6.0.0 of the @progress/kendo-react-buttons package.
    • replace k-i-arrow-s icon with k-i-caret-alt-down on .k-split-button-arrow element rendered by the SplitButton component
  • conversational-ui:
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icons with k-i-chevron-* on <button /> elements rendered by the Chat component
  • dateinputs:
    • remove k-reset className from .k-timeselector element rendered by the TimePicker component
    • remove k-group className from .k-datetime-container element rendered by the DateTimePicker component
    • do not apply k-focus className on <input /> elements rendered by the DateRangePicker component (when focused)
    • replace k-hstack and k-justify-content-stretch classNames with k-actions-stretched in .k-time-footer and .k-datetime-footer elements rendered by the DateTimePicker component
    • replace k-calendar-th className with k-calendar-caption on <th > elements rendered by the Calendar and MultiViewCalendar components
    • remove k-calendar-content className from .k-calendar-table element rendered by the Calendar component
    • replace k-nav-* classNames with k-calendar-nav-* on <button /> elements rendered by the Calendar and MultiViewCalendar components
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icons with k-i-chevron on .k-calendar-nav-* elements rendered by the MultiViewCalendar component
    • replace k-i-arrow-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on k-spinner-* elements rendered by the DateInput component
  • inputs:
    • apply k-disabled className on <input /> element rendered by the Checkbox component (when disabled)
    • do not render .k-label element inside the Slider component (when children prop is undefined)
    • move .k-switch-thumb-wrap element from .k-switch-track to .k-switch element rendered by the Switch component
    • replace k-i-arrow-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-input-button and k-spinner-* elements rendered by the ColorPicker, Slider and NumericTextBox components
    • replace k-i-arrows-kpi icon with k-i-caret-alt-expand on .k-colorgradient-toggle-mode element rendered by the ColorInput components
    • replace k-i-reset-color icon with k-i-droplet-slash on .k-coloreditor-header-actions element rendered by the FlatColorPicker components
  • datatools:
    • remove k-reset className from .k-pager-numbers element rendered by the TreeList component
    • remove k-pager-wrap className from .k-pager element rendered by the TreeList component
    • replace k-i-arrow-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-pager-nav elements rendered by the Pager component
    • replace k-i-add icon with k-i-plus on .k-drag-clue elements rendered by the TreeList component
    • replace k-i-sort-*-sm icons with k-i-sort-*-small on .k-header elements rendered by the TreeList component
  • dialogs:
    • remove k-header className from .k-window-titlebar element rendered by the Dialog component
    • remove k-dialog-close className from .k-dialog-action element rendered by the Dialog component
    • remove k-hstack and k-justify-content-* classNames with k-actions-* on k-dialog-buttongroup element rendered by the Dialog component
    • apply k-window-action className on <button /> elements rendered by the Window component
  • dropdowns:
    • replace k-i-arrow-s icon with k-i-caret-alt-down on .k-input-button element rendered by the DropDownList component
    • apply k-list-container className on .k-popup element rendered by the AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownTree, MultiSelect and MultiSelectTree components
    • remove k-virtual-content className from .k-list-content element rendered by the ComboBox component
    • replace k-i-close icon with k-i-x on .k-chip elements rendered by the MultiSelect component
    • replace k-i-arrow-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on k-input-button element rendered by the ComboBox and DropDownTree components
  • editor:
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icon with k-i-chevron-* on .k-matches-container element rendered by the Editor component
  • grid:
    • move clear-filter Button component inside .k-filtercell-operator element rendered by the Grid and TreeList components
    • replace k-i-collapse and k-i-expand icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-group-cell elements rendered by the Grid component
    • replace k-i-add icon with k-i-plus on .k-drag-clue elements rendered by the Grid component
    • replace k-i-sort-*-sm icons with k-i-sort-*-small on .k-header elements rendered by the Grid component
    • remove k-grid-filter className on k-grid-column-menu element rendered by the Grid and TreeList components
    • apply k-grid-header-menu className on k-grid-column-menu element rendered by the Grid and TreeList components
  • gantt:
    • replace k-i-arrow-60 icon with k-i-caret-alt-down on .k-views-dropdown element rendered by the Gantt component
  • layout:
    • replace k-item className with k-panelbar-item rendered by the PanelBar component
    • do not apply k-disabled className on .k-link element rendered by the PanelBar component (when disabled)
    • apply k-disabled className on .k-panelbar-item element rendered by the PanelBar component (when disabled)
    • replace k-step-focus className with k-focus on .k-step element rendered by the Stepper component (when focused)
    • replace k-step-disabled className with k-disabled on .k-step element rendered by the Stepper component (when focused)
    • remove k-floatwrap className from .k-tabstrip element rendered by the TabStrip component
    • replace k-i-check icon with k-i-check-circle element rendered by the Stepper component
    • replace k-i-warning icon with k-i-exclamation-circle element rendered by the Stepper component
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icons with k-i-chevron-* on .k-breadcrumb-delimiter-icon element rendered by the Breadcrumb component
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icons with k-i-chevron-* on .k-expander-indicator element rendered by the ExpansionPanel component
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icons with k-i-chevron-* on .k-panelbar-toggle element rendered by the PanelBar component
    • replace k-i-arrow-60-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-menu-expand-arrow element rendered by the Menu component
    • replace k-i-arrow-60-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-collapse-* elements rendered by the Splitter component
  • listbox:
    • replace k-i-arrow-60-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-listbox-toolbar element rendered by the ListBox component
    • replace k-i-arrow-double-60-* icons with k-i-caret-double-alt-* on .k-listbox-toolbar element rendered by the ListBox component
  • pivotgrid:
    • replace k-i-arrow-chevron-* icons with k-i-chevron-* on .k-pivotgrid-cell element rendered by the PivotGrid component
  • scheduler:
    • replace k-i-arrow-60-* icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-scheduler-navigation, .k-views-dropdown and .k-event elements rendered by the Scheduler component
    • replace k-i-reload icon with k-i-arrow-rotate-cw on .k-event and .k-task elements rendered by the Scheduler component
    • replace k-i-non-recurrence icon with k-i-arrows-no-repeat on .k-event and .k-task elements rendered by the Scheduler component
    • replace k-datepicker with a custom component in .k-scheduler-toolbar container rendered by the Scheduler component
    • remove k-scheduler-flex className from .k-scheduler element rendered by the Scheduler component
  • treelist:
    • replace k-i-expand and k-i-collapse icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on <td > elements rendered by the TreeList component
  • treeview:
    • replace k-i-expand and k-i-collapse icons with k-i-caret-alt-* on .k-treeview-toggle element rendered by the TreeView component
    • do not apply k-disabled className to .k-treeview-item element rendered by the TreeView component (when disabled)
    • apply k-disabled className to .k-treeview-toggle, .k-checkbox and .k-treeview-leaf elements rendered by the TreeView component (when disabled)
  • scrollview:
    • replace k-i-arrowhead-* icons with k-i-chevron-* on .k-scrollview-prev and .k-scrollview-next elements rendered by the ScrollView component
  • upload:
    • replace k-i-refresh-sm icon with k-i-arrow-rotate-cw-small on .k-retry element rendered by the Upload component
  • tooltip:
    • wrap .k-tooltip element in .k-child-animation-container container rendered by the Tooltip component

1 July 2022

Bug Fixes

  • bump kendo-charts version
  • charts: add missing children prop
  • data-tools: columnmenu cannot open if closed by its icon click
  • dateinputs:
    • timepicker scroll debounce
    • selection range on initial click
    • prevent wheel only when input is focused
  • dropdowns:
    • SSR build error
    • dropdownlist expand button click does not focus the component
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common to 1.9.1
  • grid:
    • filter components restore deleted value when operator has changed
    • columnmenu cannot open if closed by its icon click
  • layout:
    • fix breadcrumb undefined icon class
    • fix Breadcrumb DataModel mandatory id
  • scheduler:
    • offset incorrectly accounted in non-vertical positioning
    • preventDefault on passive event listener
  • treelist: row drag and drop error
  • utils: CSP violation style-src self in hasRelativeStackingContext function


  • map: add layer tooltips
  • scheduler: add ProportionalViewItem component

20 June 2022

Bug Fixes

  • all: add barcodes, map, scrollview and taskboard packages
  • dateinputs: use stand-alone format for month names
  • dropdowns:
    • appendTo prop type
    • multicolumncombobox className does not apply
    • add aria-required attribute in DropDownList
    • fix controlled mode of opened DropDownTree state
    • fix Combobox aria-activedescendant value
  • editor: content element renders twice in react 18 strict mode
  • grid: correct element getter
  • inputs:
    • slider and rangeslider layout in firefox
    • fix RangeSlider preventDefault error
  • layout: tileLayout does not resize correctly when reorderable is false
  • listbox: fix ListBoxToolbar bottom position
  • pivotgrid: improve local data-binding performance
  • popup: popup flickers when animation ends in react18
  • scheduler:
    • use stand-alone format for month names
    • view-selector missing in iframe
    • k-icon-button className on nav buttons
  • utils: draggable auto-scroll when page is already scrolled


  • update typescript and add strict compile option
  • utils: add useWindow and useDocument utility hooks

10 May 2022

Bug Fixes

  • expose children prop
  • buttons:
    • replace deprecated k-state-focus className with k-focus
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • DropDownButton default theme options
    • SplitButton default theme options
    • SplitButton arrow button rendering
    • chip remove icon rendering
    • add type to the SplitBtn second btn
  • conversational-ui:
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
  • datatools:
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-active className with k-active
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
  • dateinputs:
    • replace deprecated k-state-focus className with k-focus
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-active className with k-active
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
    • remove extra rounding on input buttons
    • replace deprecated k-state-invalid className with k-invalid
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
    • remove obsolete k-valid className
  • dropdowns:
    • replace deprecated k-state-empty className with k-empty
    • correctly position loading icon
    • replace deprecated k-state-invalid className with k-invalid
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
    • remove obsolete k-valid className
    • add missing class
  • editor:
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-active className with k-active
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
    • bump @progress/kendo-editor-common to 1.9.0
  • excel: replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
  • gantt: replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
  • grid:
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
  • inputs:
    • add missing aria-label for ColorPicker button
    • replace deprecated k-state-hover className with k-hover
    • replace deprecated k-state-focus className with k-focus
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
    • replace deprecated k-state-empty className with k-empty
    • remove extra rounding on input buttons
    • replace deprecated k-state-invalid className with k-invalid
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
    • remove obsolete k-valid className
  • labels:
    • replace deprecated k-state-empty className with k-empty
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
  • layout:
    • replace deprecated k-state-focus className with k-focus
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-active className with k-active
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
    • menu missing key warning
    • cannot set card ref
    • fire onItemSelect on Breadcrumb item icon click
    • add aria attributes to the TabStrip component
  • progressbars:
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
  • scheduler: replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
  • sortable: replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
  • tooltip:
    • replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus
  • treelist: replace deprecated k-state-selected className with k-selected
  • treeview: items position-based className
    • first items within a parent will now have k-treeview-top className
    • middle items within a parent will now have k-treeview-mid className
    • last items within a parent will now have k-treeview-bot className
  • upload:
    • replace deprecated k-state-disabled className with k-disabled
    • replace deprecated k-state-focused className with k-focus


  • map component
  • editor: add table resizing
  • layout: allow setting custom props to Card DOM element
  • popup: add dom element getter
  • taskboard: add TaskBoard component

7 April 2022

Bug Fixes

  • avatar: add border class if border prop is set
  • checkbox: indeterminate state not visible
  • input: rename invalid state class
  • numerictextbox: remove roundness of the increase and decrease buttons
  • scheduler:
    • DST change when timezoneOffset equal the slot duration
    • allDay events wrong order after click
  • switch: rename state classes
  • window: correct appendTo type


  • all: add react 18 to react dependencies

2 March 2022

Bug Fixes

  • animations: findDOMNode warning in strict mode
  • buttons:
    • update dropdown and split buttons focused items state
    • set unique keys to the Chip component
    • add missing error type for the themeColor property
    • DropDownButton menuitem role
  • dateinputs: toggleButton tabIndex
  • dialogs: initial focus is lost with shift tab
  • dropdowns:
    • style MultiColumnComboBox group labels
    • page is scrolled as events are not prevented in tree components
    • label clicks cause the popup to bounce
    • toggleButton tabIndex
    • add missing key prop to MultiSelectTree custom Tag component
  • editor:
    • caret color does not change based on foreColor tool color
    • bump @progress/kendo-editor-common to 1.8.0
    • bump @progress/kendo-editor-common from 1.6.0 to 1.7.1
  • gantt: hiding columns brake their content due to invalid cell key
  • grid:
    • incorrect presentation role set on colgroups
    • hiding columns brake their content due to invalid cell key
    • column virtualization is misaligned in chrome
  • inputs: toggleButton tabIndex
  • mccb:
    • apply colspan to the cell in the grouping row
    • correct width calculation of the popup to include borders
  • pivotgrid: improve performace for local data-binding
  • popup: onClose event triggers early in specific cases
  • scheduler:
    • WeekView work-day calculation
    • recurrence weekly cannot select sunday
  • sortable: component incorrectly redraw items when focusing nested components
  • stepper: apply correct grid calculations for vertical layout
  • treelist: hiding columns brake their content due to invalid cell key
  • upload: set dropZoneNote message based on the Upload restrictions
  • utils: draggable invalid window usage


  • buttons: add modal option for Floating Action Button
  • dateinputs: add aria-label to DateInput and DatePicker
  • dialogs: allow rendering without portals
  • dropdowns: add aria-label to DropDownList
  • editor: add thead, tfoot, colgroup and col nodes support
  • grid: improve a11y of filter cells, group and detail expand buttons
  • inputs:
    • add style and inputStyle props to the NumericTextBox
    • add aria-label to NumericTextBox
  • popup: allow rendering without portals
  • upload:
    • expose triggerUpload method on the Upload ref for external upload actions
    • add localizable messages for the upload input title

21 January 2022

Bug Fixes

  • grid in v5 requires buttons, but was not state in the package.json
  • clear filter icon should be disabled when there is no filter
  • conversational-ui: update message box classes
  • datatools:
    • pager rendering
    • HeaderSelectionCell checkbox classNames
  • dateinputs:
    • toggleButton triggers form submit
    • add DateInput spinner buttons type=button
  • dropdowns: dropdowntree closes its popup when expand button is clicked
  • editor:
    • InsertLink Dialog checkbox classNames
    • find-and-replace checkbox className
  • gantt: form submit button styles
  • grid:
    • ColumnMenuCheckboxFilter SearchBox styles
    • ColumnMenuCheckboxFilter button styles
    • Cell checkbox classNames
  • inputs: add NumericTextBox spinner buttons type=button
  • scheduler: navigation button overflow
  • treelist: Cell checkbox classNames

19 January 2022

Bug Fixes

  • buttons:
    • deprecate DropDownButton primary property
    • deprecate Button primary property
    • deprecate SplitButton look property
    • deprecate DropDownButton look property
    • deprecate Button look property and ButtonLook type
    • deprecate Chip type property
    • deprecate Chip look property and ChipLook type
  • dateinputs: correct Calendar scrollTop on navigate
  • labels: correct floating-label className
  • layout:
    • rename Avatar fill to fillMode
    • standartize on theme-options for the Avatar component
    • remove shape property of avatar


  • buttons:
    • implement new styling options for ChipList component
    • implement new styling options for FloatingActionButton component
    • implement new styling options for Chip component
    • implement new styling options for SplitButton component
    • implement new styling options for DropDownButton component
    • implement new styling options for Button component
  • dateinputs:
    • implement new styling options for DateTimePicker component
    • implement new styling options for DatePicker component
    • implement new styling options for TimePicker component
    • implement new styling options for DateInput component
  • dropdowns:
    • implement new styling options for AutoComplete component
    • implement new styling options for ComboBox component
    • implement new styling options for DropDownList component
    • implement new styling options for DropDownTree component
    • implement new styling options for MultiColumnComboBox component
    • implement new styling options for MultiSelect component
    • implement new styling options for MultiSelectTree component
  • inputs:
    • implement new styling options for ColorPicker component
    • implement new styling options for RadioButton component
    • implement new styling options for Checkbox component
    • implement new styling options for Switch component
    • implement new styling options for TextArea component
    • implement new styling options for NumericTextBox component
    • implement new styling options for MaskedTextBox component
  • listbox: implement new rendering for Listbox component
  • treeview: implement new styling options for TreeView component

Breaking Changes

  • the 'primary' property of the DropDownButton has been deprecated in favour of the 'themeColor' theme option

  • the 'primary' property of the Button has been deprecated in favour of the 'themeColor' theme option

  • the 'look' property of the SplitButton has been deprecated in favour of the 'fillMode' theme option

  • the 'look' property of the DropDownButton has been deprecated in favour of the 'fillMode' theme option

  • the 'look' property of the Button has been deprecated in favour of the 'fillMode' theme option

  • the 'type' property of the Chip has been deprecated in favour of the 'themeColor' theme option

  • the 'look' property of the Chip has been deprecated in favour of the 'fillMode' theme option

  • the 'fill' property of the Avatar has been deprecated in favour of the 'fillMode' theme option

  • the Avatar theme-options are now aligned with all KendoReact components

  • the 'shape' property of the Avatar has been deprecated

18 January 2022

Bug Fixes

  • layout: remove globalThis usage in PanelBar utilities

17 January 2022

Bug Fixes

  • do not throw value errors in production mode
  • drawer: remove title tooltip from drawer items
  • grid:
    • column menu is not visible in checkbox column
    • throw error when scrolling is disabled and keyboard nav is enabled
    • drag clue shown during resize
  • inputs:
    • buttons dependency missing
    • Slider explicit children prop
  • menu: add wrapper around menu item text for better alignment
  • pivotgrid:
    • stale state update during axis drag
    • rows table has incorrect columns width when collapse its data
    • empty rows height is smaller
    • cannot change sorting from configurator
  • popup: preventing page scroll when popup content overflow
  • scheduler:
    • drag error during scroll after state update
    • double parsing of dateRange when expanding recurring events
  • treelist: alt rows are not styled
  • utils: draggable stale scrollable parent during state update


  • add 'sideEffects' field to all kendo-react packages
  • barcodes: add Barcode and QR Code
  • common: classNames to support class override with object with falsy keys
  • dialogs:
    • add WindowPropsContext
    • add DialogPropsContext
  • editor: add NumberedList and BulletedList tools
  • layout:
    • add ExpansionPanel component
    • add dataItemKey prop to the PanelBar
    • add PanelBar controlled mode
  • pivotgrid: add local data binding
  • popup: add onPosition event
  • range-slider: update range slider rendering to match universal rendering
  • scrollview: add ScrollView component
  • slider: update slider rendering to match universal rendering
  • tooltip: popover component

7 December 2021

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: trigger onClick Chip event only once
  • charts: mousewheel speed in webkit
  • dateinputs:
    • timepicker focus is lost on drag over closing popup
    • Calendar correct propTypes interfaces
  • dialogs: window zindex not increasing correctly on focus and blur
  • editor: cannot use palette view in ForeColor and BackColor custom tools
  • scheduler: default zoned day selection on recurrence-weekly
  • typography: intelisense does not show typography props.


  • charts: add MousewheelZoom.rate option
  • common:
    • add useDraggable and useDroppable hooks
    • add useCollection hook
  • dateinputs:
    • add MultiViewCalendarPropsContext
    • add TimePickerPropsContext
    • add DateTimePickerPropsContext
    • add DateRangePickerPropsContext
    • add DatePickerPropsContext
    • add DateInputPropsContext
    • add CalendarPropsContext
  • dialogs: add dynamic stacking zindex to Window and Dialog components
  • dropdowns:
    • add MultiSelectTree Props Context
    • add MultiSelect Props Context
    • add MultiColumnComboBox Props Context
    • add DropDownTree Props Context
    • add DropDownList Props Context
    • add ComboBox Props Context
    • add AutoComplete Props Context
  • editor:
    • add image resizing
    • add resizable prop
  • grid: enable autoScroll during columns reorder
  • inputs:
    • add Switch Props Context
    • add Slider Props Context
    • add TextArea Props Context
    • add Rating Props Context
    • add RangeSlider Props Context
    • add RadioGroup Props Context
    • add NumericTextBox Props Context
    • add MaskedTextBox Props Context
    • add Input Props Context
    • add ColorPalette Props Context
    • add ColorGradient Props Context
    • add ColorPicker Props Context
    • add Checkbox Props Context
    • add RadioButoon Props Context
  • layout: add keyField prop
  • popup:
    • add positionMode, margin and scale props
    • add dynamic stacking zindex to Popup component
  • tooltip: add dynamic stacking zindex to Tooltip components
  • utils: add additional confiugration options for Draggable auto-scroll

22 November 2021

Bug Fixes

  • datatools: incorrect filter types accepted by column menu components


  • datatools: make field prop optional in column menu components

18 November 2021

Bug Fixes

  • dateinputs:
    • MultiViewCalendar view change focusedDate calculation
    • replace button.k-button with KendoReact Button component
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • excel: update dep to resolve jszip vulnerability issue
  • gantt:
    • year view have misaligned slots due to decimal colspans
    • addClick and dependencyCreate events types are not exported
  • grid:
    • empty rows are rendered in specific case with columnVirtualization
    • enter key on ColumnMenu filtering form propagates to its header cell
  • multiselect: cannot add custom item by clicking the button
  • pivotgrid: do not shrink items in Firefox
  • scheduler:
    • ignore self when coparing for siblings max-items in slot
    • labels on Day/Month views with fixed timezone
    • recurrence edit byMonthDay input value update
    • item do not display after initially being hidden
  • upload: security fix for ReDoS vulnerability
  • utils: clone do not copy react components


  • charts: add the Chart onRefresh event
  • grid: expose column menu wrapper props to header cell
  • inputs:
    • add FlatColorPicker component
    • update ColorGradient rendering and classes to match the latest redesign
    • update ColorPalette rendering and classes to match the latest redesign
  • layout: add PanelBar keepItemsMounted prop
  • upload: add select message component
  • utils:
    • add useContextProps hook
    • add withContextProps HOC

27 October 2021

Bug Fixes

  • update semantic-release version
  • datatools: missing initial value when operator changed in Filter component
  • dateinputs:
    • calendar decade view number of columns
    • calendar century view number of columns
    • calendar year view number of columns
    • calendar classNames
    • DateInput tab focus with placeholder
  • dropdowns: multicolumncombobox shows empty element when open and close the dropdown
  • gantt: multicolumn headers misaligned
  • grid:
    • column virtualization not working with multiple headers
    • sort icon incorrectly labelled
    • column autofit not working in latest safari
    • auto-column resize in rounding
    • auto-column resize in Safari
  • listbox: correct react peer deps
  • scheduler:
    • do not apply minHeight if no items
    • collision detection of items
  • sortable: dragstart event cause rerender even if prevented
  • upload: multiple files are uploaded when dragging with multiple option set to false


  • chip: update rendering and classes to match the latest design
  • dropdowns: add popupClass prop to popupSettings
  • editor: expose interfaces for onMount, onExecute, onPaste, onFocus and onBlur event obje
  • multiviewcalendar: add new classes to the rendering based on the design
  • scheduler:
    • add Auto Item Height functionality
    • add Adaptive Slot Height functionality

14 September 2021

Bug Fixes

  • remove sourceMap generation from bundle
  • card: set card types correctly
  • dateinputs:
    • non-dom prop warning on CalendarWeekCell component
    • correct DateTimePicker focus on esc keydown
    • correct TimePicker focus on esc keydown
    • correct default title property
    • correct DatePicker focus on esc keydown
    • correct DateTimePicker correct focus on cancel click
  • dropdowns: fix multiselect not focused on item delete
  • editor:
    • bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
    • spaces between block elements are parsed into paragraphs
  • grid:
    • drag not working in portal with iframe
    • incorrect filter operator type
  • inputs:
    • switch does not work as expected when wrapped in html label
    • numerictextbox uncontrolles value not ranged
  • intl: explicit types for registerFor* functions
  • multiselect: cannot add custom item by clicking the button
  • scheduler:
    • keyboard-navigation between header, view and footer without selection
    • correct interface ignore argument
    • month skip on prev/next click
    • remove href attribute from anchor elements
    • add padding to items to allow clicking slots underneath
    • date propTypes warning
  • window: update the window zindex only when needed


  • charts:
    • add heatmap chart
    • add the autoFit option to the chart series item
  • dropdowns: add MultiSelectTree component
  • editor:
    • add support of class, style and id attributes to table, tr and td elements
    • add preserveWhitespace prop
  • inputs:
    • add style prop to MaskedTextBox component
    • add readonly mode for NumericTextBox, improve disabled mode
  • labels: add hint disabled state
  • layout: add breadcrumb component
  • pivotgrid: add PivotGrid component
  • utils: add Typography component

28 July 2021

Bug Fixes

  • use generic hstack and vstack classnames for action buttons
  • exclude licensing from CDN bundle
  • replace usages of k-bare with k-flat
  • dateinputs:
    • calendar initial scroll when navigation equals false
    • Calendar scroll-sync on react-dom17
  • datetimepicker: buttons in the popup cause form submit
  • drawer: accessibility issues
  • dropdowns:
    • multiselect input aria-describedby has additional space
    • missing key error in loading icon element
    • incorrect rendering inside portal
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • floatinlabel: k-state-empty is applied when value is set to 0
  • grid:
    • virtual scrolling not working with selection and filtering
    • fix filter button disabled state when the value is empty
    • use k-i-plus and k-i-minus for icons instead of k-plus and k-miuns
    • initial filter logic set to or is incorectly overriden
    • boolean filter cell can't select false
    • border width with and without a scrollbar
    • apply sticky footer class correctly
  • inputs:
    • update Checkbox state in Form without initial value
    • numerctextbox k-state-focused is missing
  • labels: fix package description
  • layout: add keyboard nav to the TabStrip for home and end btn
  • listbox: export listviewitemprops interface
  • popup:
    • popup does not close on show=false after reposition
    • rendering inside portal leads to issues
  • scheduler: current-time-marker across the whole view
  • sortable: selection inside input elements inside sortable should work
  • tooltip:
    • incorrect position in iframe, not updating on title change
    • closing on hover when class prop is used
  • treelist: aria-expanded attribute applied when no children is available
  • utils: clear useasyncfocusblur timeout
  • window:
    • remove legacy k-content class
    • close button should be inside button actions


  • buttons:
    • add opened property to the SplitButton
    • add opened property to the DropDownButton
  • charts: add className prop
  • dialog: add appendTo property
  • dialogs: expose windowElement prop on Window ref
  • editor: add title to ForeColor and BackColor tools
  • form: add ignoreModified field
  • gauges: add className prop
  • grid:
    • autofit columns on doubleclick
    • make cellrender support returning multiple items
    • add group/ungroup component for the column menu
    • get scrollbar width via css variable
  • inputs:
    • add title prop to ColorPicker
    • add name getter to the Checkbox
    • add TextArea name getter
  • layout:
    • add GridLayout component
    • add StackLayout component
  • multicolumncombobox: set scrollbar width via css variable
  • tilelayout: add ignoreDrag property
  • tooltip: add position event to allow modify default positioning

15 June 2021

Bug Fixes

  • add missing semicolon
  • set the props interface to the DialogActionsBar and WindowActionsBar components
  • buttons: replace the seleted state class
  • dateinputs: fix floating label when initial value is set
  • dropdowns: tabIndex correct behavior on disabled
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • form: fix field onchange event
  • grid:
    • selection overlay is under locked columns
    • virtualization not working with selection
    • detail cell have missing aria attributes
    • detail row miss the role attribute
    • not possible to select multiple checkboxes
    • fix the footer incorrect aria attributes
    • footerCell ariacolumnindex is incorrect
  • inputs: radioButton fix tabIndex
  • layout:
    • tiles gets re-mounted on prop change
    • add DrawerAnimation export
    • add drawerselectevent export
  • listbox: fix warning for selected option
  • multiselect: the loading icon overlaps the clear button
  • notification: add missing NotificationEvent export
  • scheduler:
    • editing new item with multiple resources
    • items positioning on isAllDay=undefined
    • items resize on scheduler resize instead of window resize


  • animation: update react-transition-group pckg to 4.4.2
  • chip: add support for custom content rendering
  • dateinputs: expose ariaHasPopup and ariaExpanded props
  • dropdowns: add MultiColumnComboBox name getter
  • editor: expose nativeEvent in onPasteHtml event object
  • gantt: add drag selection
  • grid:
    • expose attribute constants required for selection in custom cells and rows
    • add detail row keyboard navigation
  • listbox: add a selectedField prop to the ListBoxToolbar
  • listview: provide a type for the listview item props
  • tooltip: add supprt for svg elements
  • treelist:
    • add drag selection
    • add ariasetsize and ariaposinset attributes
  • window: make zindex dynamic

11 May 2021

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: fix chiplist value proptypes
  • checkbox: pressing space key to toggle the checkbox value in Firefox
  • dateinputs: DatePicker not closing on blur when onFocus/onBlur callbacks are assigned
  • dropdowns:
    • multicolumncombobox focus function and value getter of events targets
    • multicolumncombobox width differences in header and popup items
    • scroll to focused item with different heights of the items
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common in /packages/editor
  • grid:
    • selection column breaks accessibility
    • column sortable not readed in nvda
    • aria col index and row index are incorrect
    • translate should not reset when fixedScroll is set
    • fix grid column menu checkbox filter styles
  • inputs: numerictextbox type while selected all with c0 format is prevented
  • progressbar: fix error when unmounting and remounting the progress bar rapidly
  • scheduler:
    • set slot height only if it's higher than default
    • bump draggable version
    • form property not applied to the TimelineView
    • items overlap in WeekView
  • textarea: remove the unnecessary types from the value prop in TextAreaChangeEvent
  • treelist: multicolumn headers rendering after expand data items
  • utils:
    • async focus blur triggering unneccessarry updates
    • draggable current document


  • calendar: add classes to table HTML elements
  • chart:
    • add axis label position setting
    • date range labels
  • data-tools:
    • add ColumnMenuForm component
    • add expandFilters prop to ColumnMenu
    • add itemsRender and render props of the ColumnMenu
  • datatools: add utilities for persist and toggle groups collapsed state
  • dateinputs:
    • add DateTimePicker floating-label support through placeholder prop
    • add TimePicker floating-label support through placeholder prop
    • add DatePicker floating-label support through placeholder prop
    • add DateInput floating-label support through placeholder prop
    • pass firstDate as prop to CalendarWeekCell
  • dropdowns: add subItemsField to DropDownTree component
  • gantt:
    • add row prop and expose default row component
    • improve accessibility
  • gauges:
    • rename arcCenterRender to centerRender, add alias for compatibilty
    • add circular gauge
  • grid:
    • add aria column index prop to footer cells
    • add drag, row and cell selection
    • add onNavigationAction event
  • indicators: add Skeleton component
  • inputs: add color contrast tool to the ColorPicker
  • layout: use universal rendering for the PanelBar component
  • pager: add an option to disable the responsive layout
  • scheduler:
    • enable user defined actions for behavior customization
    • add multi-select item editing
    • add itemsPerSlot property to the MonthView
  • treelist: improve accessibility
  • utils: add AsyncFocusBlur High-Order Component

18 March 2021

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: fix className prop usage inside the ChipList
  • checkbox: update checked state if the state value is changed from outside
  • editor: bump @progress/kendo-editor-common from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6
  • grid: prevent selection of the text upon dragging in Firefox
  • multicolumncombobox: fix popup width in order the scrollbar to not overlap groups label
  • stepper:
    • do not allow selecting a disabled step
    • do not apply focus on non-clickable steps in linear mode
  • tilelayout: fix exception when loading data from state object


  • dialogs: add action buttons layout options
  • dropdowns:
    • add title prop to DropDownList component
    • add clearButton and valueRender props of AutoComplete component
  • grid:
    • add filterTitle prop to GridColumn component
    • add scrollIntoView method and fixedScroll prop
  • listbox: add an onDragLeave event
  • stepper: add properties for setting custom validation icons
  • treeview: allow customizing children field
  • upload:
    • add ExternalDropZone component
    • add action buttons layout options
  • window: add action buttons layout options

17 February 2021

Bug Fixes

  • buttongroup: remove aria-multiselectable attribute
  • buttons: fix Chip aria attributes
  • charts: legendItemClick should toggle redraw without transitions
  • dateinputs: calendar month rows role
  • dropdownds: multicolumncombobox itemRender prop
  • dropdowns: multicolumncombobox header prop
  • editor: bump prosemirror-view from 1.17.2 to 1.17.3
  • form: field onchange incorrectly sets touched
  • gantt:
    • remove unused variable which results in error after minification
    • trivial typo fix
    • fix warning
    • view buttons submit form
  • grid:
    • grid rows and columns not narrated
    • detail expand cell is not marked with aria-expanded attribute
  • multiselect: popup position when k-multiselect-wrap element is resized
  • popup: positon is not correct if popup content has padding and no sizes
  • ripple: add ripple effect on checkboxes and radio buttons
  • treelist: column resizing in strict mode


  • improve gantt and treelist accessibility
  • combobox: add valueRender prop
  • dateinputs: add steps property to the DateTimePicker
  • form:
    • add submitted form render prop
    • add onChange event to Field component
  • gantt:
    • add timeline header cell prop to gantt views
    • add year view
  • tooltip: add the appendTo prop
  • upload: update design according to the new design

15 January 2021

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: set the correct Chip target
  • calendar: correct calculateValue when min/max has hours
  • dateinputs: wheel event error on preventDefault()
  • gantt: dependency create event not available
  • grid:
  • radio: move the radio role to the li to prevent accessibility errors
  • textarea:
    • add k-state-disabled class for disabled styling
    • textarea passes invalid props to the native element
  • upload: critical vulnerability in dependency


  • charts:
    • add PaneDefaults component
    • read pane title font from theme
  • inputs: extend the Checkbox and RadioButton components props
  • textarea: add onBlur event handler

7 January 2021

Bug Fixes

  • slider rendering according to latest themes
  • Window: fix window behaviour inside containers
  • bottomnavigation: fix slugs and docs example
  • conversationalui: clone messages before mutating
  • dateinputs: selection change during scroll or multi-key press
  • dropdowns:
    • move exports at the bottom to prevent ES errors
    • render aria-activedescendant if dropdown is expanded
  • editor: cleanFormatting command behavior and its tool state
  • fab: remove focused prop from the items api
  • floatingactionbutton: various fixes
  • form: field allows using of value and onChange as props which is anty-pattern
  • gantt:
    • inserting new task on incorrect position
    • fix add new record work incorrectly
    • rows key prop is not unique
  • grid:
    • scrolling with virtual scroll incorrecly rerenders all rows due to invalidly set
    • header keys of data columns to be independent from group column
  • inputs: numerictextbox keeps loose value when disabled
  • multiselect: does not close sometimes when clicking outside of it
  • scheduler: export default DateHeaderCell and TimeHeaderCell
  • tilelayout: fix slugs
  • treelist: rows key prop is not unique


  • read area and line series inactive opacity from theme
  • read series colors 1-30 from theme
  • add keyboard navigation support to grid, gantt and treelist
  • Grid: add an option to change GridColumnMenuCheckboxFilter search box filter operator
  • buttons:
    • add item prop to DropDown and Split buttons
    • add FloatingActionButton component
  • combobox: add grouping
  • dropdowns:
    • add MultiColumnComboBox component
    • add dropdowntree component
  • form: add FormElement ref support
  • inputs: add RadioGroup item property
  • layout: add Bottom Navigation component
  • listbox: add Listbox component
  • popup: add PopupPropsContext
  • scheduler:
    • allow header time format customization
    • allow header date format customization
  • tilelayout: add TileLayout component
  • window: add className prop

13 November 2020

Bug Fixes

  • dateinputs: incorrect MultiViewCalendar views change on right-side hover
  • radiogroup: add disabled styling on options with labelPlacement before
  • scheduler: unmounted component error when dragging


  • charts:
    • add legend title option
    • add plot band label

21 October 2020


  • add react 17 support
  • add licensing
  • avatar: update avatar visual options

Bug Fixes

  • add avatar classess

Breaking Changes

  • Requires an active license key, see
  • Adds @progress/kendo-licensing as peer dependency
  • buttons: The deprecated "bare" button type has been removed
  • dropdowns: The deprecated renderer prop of the ListItem component has been removed
  • grid: The deprecated data field of the DataStateChange event arguments has been removed
  • indicators: Badge and BadgeContainer handles return HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • inputs: Checkbox handle return HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • inputs: NumericTextBox handle returns HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • inputs: RadioButton and RadioGroup handles return HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • layout: Drawer, DrawerItem and DrawerContent handles return HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • layout: Stepper and Step handles return HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • layout: The deprecated 'onLayoutChange' event has been removed
  • layout: avatarTheme enum is renamed to avatarThemeColor
  • layout: avatarType.INITIALS is renamed to avatarType.TEXT
  • progressbars: ChunkProgressBar handle returns HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • progressbars: ProgressBar handle returns HTMLElement instead of a ref
  • treelist: The deprecated data field of the DataStateChange event arguments has been removed
  • treeview: The deprecated itemRender prop has been removed
  • upload: The previously deprecated tabindex prop has been removed. Use tabIndex instead.