Kendo UI

Release History

jQuery Release History

Kendo UI R3 2017 SP1

October 17, 2017

All components

  • detailinit is always evaluated in vue wrapper
  • Overlay distorts over disabled widgets in Chrome
  • Escape calc() functions that use variables in less themes to prevent wrong compiling
  • Kendo typings error using TypeScript 2.5.2 -> DataSourceTransportWithFunctionOperations


  • Incorrect AutoComplete popup position
  • fixedGroupTemplate not displayed in AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect with virtualization enabled
  • Widget's dropdown auto-closes in Chrome when a preceding element's height is reduced
  • DropDownList / ComboBox/ AutoComplete items filter is not cleared, when certain item was selected (base on search criteria) and minLength options is set
  • AutoComplete, MultiSelect and ComboBox clearButton option can not be set via setOptions()


  • Calendar selects wrong date range with Shift+click on multiselect
  • disableDates is not applied for Calendar/DatePicker/DateTimePicker in MVVM


  • Tooltip is not shown after you leave the chart through the tooltip
  • Chart treats a \n string in the data as a new line character
  • Switching tooltip from shared to not shared is setting undesired inline style which affects the background color.
  • "&" in various combinations causes HTML encoding issues in Chart


  • fixedGroupTemplate not displayed in AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect with virtualization enabled
  • Widget's dropdown auto-closes in Chrome when a preceding element's height is reduced
  • When using Grid custom editor, the Kendo Editable adds data-binding for the value for both the hidden and the visible inputs of the ComboBox.
  • ComboBox setOptions applies dataTextField and dataValueField, but the widget shows the new fields as undefined
  • DropDownList / ComboBox/ AutoComplete items filter is not cleared, when certain item was selected (base on search criteria) and minLength options is set
  • AutoComplete, MultiSelect and ComboBox clearButton option can not be set via setOptions()


  • Kendo Menu should implement the aria-haspopup attribute


  • Setting the date input as readonly sets disabled styles as well


  • disableDates is not applied for Calendar/DatePicker/DateTimePicker in MVVM
  • DatePicker and Timepicker clear their value on blur if it is not completed.


  • disableDates is not applied for Calendar/DatePicker/DateTimePicker in MVVM
  • DatePicker and Timepicker clear their value on blur if it is not completed.


  • The edit popup of the Diagram is not visible when the Diagram is in modal Kendo UI Window.


  • Exclude disabled elements from focusable elements sequence in Window and Dialog


  • Error "Property 'target' does not exist on type 'DropTargetDropEvent'" on building Kendo UI typescript definitions with TypeScript 2.4


  • The surface event handlers are triggered twice if passed in the options


  • AngularJS expressions in id attribute with curly brackets throws JS error
  • Pressing Space closes DropDownList popup when filtering is enabled
  • fixedGroupTemplate not displayed in AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect with virtualization enabled
  • DropDownList dataItem() method returns 'null', while it should return 'undefined' when no item is selected
  • Widget's dropdown auto-closes in Chrome when a preceding element's height is reduced
  • DropDownList highlightFirst does not work, when the dataSource is changed (re-set with setDataSource).
  • Large Navigatable and Selectable Grid requires multiple clicks to create a DropDownList editor
  • DropDownList / ComboBox/ AutoComplete items filter is not cleared, when certain item was selected (base on search criteria) and minLength options is set
  • DropDownList with MinFilterLength > 0 does not repopulate the full data list after filter has been triggered and an item has been selected


  • Lost focus from Inline Editor's content area when using dropdown tools
  • Keyboard navigation through editor's text skips empty lines in IE and Edge
  • Broken layout of Editor's File and Image browser dialogs with Default v2 and Bootstrap v4 themes
  • Kendo loader does not hide after successfully deleting a file or deleting / creating a new folder in Editor's Insert file dialog


  • Styled checkboxes now utilize id and for attributes.

  • Grid endless scrolling doesn't work when multi-checkbox filter is used
  • Grid column resizing does not work in Chrome when page is zoomed
  • With enabled persistSelection, the selectedKeyNames method return items even if they are removed
  • MVVM Grid missing
  • If the ESC key is pressed when adding a new record in Grid via popup editor, a JavaScript error will be thrown
  • Dirty indicator is not shown when editing nested fields
  • Custom validation messages are not displayed in the Grid filter menu inputs
  • Kendo UI Custom Download missing dependencies
  • Angular1 Grid with checkbox selection does not provide the data for all selected rows in the change event
  • Chrome scrolls when Grid is focused.
  • The columns order in the Grid column menu is not changed after reordering only for the reordered column.
  • The confirmation function does not work if the grid edit mode is set.
  • When using Grid custom editor, the Kendo Editable adds data-binding for the value for both the hidden and the visible inputs of the ComboBox.
  • Hierarchy grid should have area-expanded attributes
  • Grid triggers change on k-grouping-row selection
  • Add title attribute to Kendo UI Filter Menu filterable messages
  • Clicking on the ColorPicker in editable cell closes the edit mode when navigatable is on
  • Grid should restore horizontal scroll on filter
  • Gird's Keyboard navigation fails for new records when there is grouping applied
  • Large Navigatable and Selectable Grid requires multiple clicks to create a DropDownList editor
  • The focused cell of the navigatable and non scrollable Grid is changed to the first cell after sorting.
  • While exporting to Excel, the Grid's groupFooterTemplate does pass the object
  • .k-grid-edit-row class not removed
  • Navigatable grid closes dirty empty cells on click in Edge
  • Grid group row header is considered as newly selected row which is unexpected.
  • Scrollable Grid header and content tables misaligned when tabbing through filter inputs in "row" filtering mode
  • The page cannot be scrolled on touch devices with IE and Edge when the Grid is selectable.
  • Scroll position of the Grid is set to top position after editing
  • Sort indicator disappears when change page size of Grid.


  • moveUp, moveDown and transferTo buttons should be disabled on item transfer via drag and drop
  • When selecting some of the bottom items in a scrollable ListBox the focus is automatically push to the top(Only in Internet Explorer and Edge)
  • Calling destroy on a Window with a ListBox inside throws a JavaScript error
  • Initializing ListBox in PopUp template in Kendo UI Grid throws error on closing the popup
  • ListBox Drag Clue inherits dragged item focus class


  • Unexpected scrolling up triggered in navigatable ListView
  • Focus state is not applied for ListView


  • MVVM Grid missing
  • disableDates is not applied for Calendar/DatePicker/DateTimePicker in MVVM


  • RTL items' popups which overflow the left screen boundary are auto-closed after opening
  • Kendo Menu should implement the aria-haspopup attribute
  • A couple of menu popups stay open when navigating with right arrow and pressing enter key


  • Select/Deselect events are not fired for multiple selection
  • Change event is not fired when multiple items are selected
  • Unexpected focusing of MultiSelect's first item on dropdown opening, instead of focusing the item selected last
  • fixedGroupTemplate not displayed in AutoComplete, ComboBox, DropDownList and MultiSelect with virtualization enabled
  • Widget's dropdown auto-closes in Chrome when a preceding element's height is reduced
  • MultiSelect's clear button does not clear all selected items in single tag mode
  • MultiSelect does not clear selected value(s) from the list when filtered, and autoClose is false
  • AutoComplete, MultiSelect and ComboBox clearButton option can not be set via setOptions()
  • Multiselect popup assumes wrong position after filtering, if popup.position = "bottom"
  • Deselecting an item via the dropdown no longer works after maxSelectedItems is reached and autoClose is set to false
  • Placeholder does not change when setOptions is used.
  • Navigating through items in dropdown using Up/Down Arrow is not working with virtualization
  • Changing MultiSelect item's selection with Ctrl+Space adds spaces in widget's input in IE and Edge
  • Selecting multiple items through keyboard does not respect MultiSelect's maxSelectedItems property


  • Input in Pager is higher than dropdown in Fiori theme


  • PanelBar "expanded: true" not working on load with content and contentUrl


  • Router performs unexpected encoding


  • Wrong values for Scheduler event resources when multiple resources are filtered and selected
  • Scheduler's navigate event does not fire when you navigate to a different date with the keyboard
  • Scheduler's Export PDF button is not rendered (mobile: phone)
  • Unexpected horizontal scrollbar on RTL Scheduler caused by the current time line width


  • Improvements to Spreadsheet toolbar keyboard support
  • Custom formatting is not preserved after value change
  • Spreadsheet validation pop-up appears twice
  • Spreadsheet formula reference is not updated properly
  • Spreadsheet PDF export adds extra column to the exported area, when right border is set for the last active column
  • Spreadsheet AutoFill increments dates even if a single cell is selected and dragged
  • Spreadsheet does not export empty spaces added before existing cell content (xlsx client export)
  • Wrong number rounding when cell format is applied to a formula
  • Spreadsheet applies blank values when attempting to autoFill disabled cells


  • Overwritten TabStrip background color by Dialog styles
  • Associated aria-acrivedescendant ID attribute applied to multiple tabs after a disabled tab is focused
  • Not updated Tabs' aria-disabled attribute
  • Wrong color of dragged TabStrip tab text in Material theme


  • DatePicker and Timepicker clear their value on blur if it is not completed.


  • Kendo TypeScript typings mismatch in TooltipOptions


  • The TreeList is duplicating items on expand if loaded property of the node is set to false.
  • Export to excel with aggregates / footer templates


  • Disabled Treeview Node gets checked/unchecked when checking/unchecking parent


  • Custom validation messages are not displayed in the Grid filter menu inputs


  • JS error is thrown when both dialog and window are used in page
  • Exclude disabled elements from focusable elements sequence in Window and Dialog
For previous versions please refer to the Kendo UI Web, DataViz and Mobile release history