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The DropDownTree provides templates which enable you to customize the content of its drop-down list items.

Item Template

To customize the content of the list items, use an item template. To define an item template, nest an <ng-template> tag with the kendoDropDownTreeNodeTemplate directive inside a <kendo-dropdowntree> tag.

The template context is set to the current DropDownTree component. To get a reference to the current data item, use the let-dataItem directive.

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Value Template

To customize the content of the element which holds the selected text, use the value template. To define a value template, nest an <ng-template> tag with a kendoDropDownTreeValueTemplate directive inside a <kendo-dropdownlist> tag.

The template context is set to the current DropDownTree component. To get a reference to the current data item, use the let-dataItem directive.

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Header Template

To customize the header element of the drop-down list, use a header template. To define a header template, nest an <ng-template> tag with a kendoDropDownTreeHeaderTemplate directive inside a <kendo-dropdowntree> tag.

The template context is set to the current DropDownTree component.

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To customize the footer element of the drop-down list, use a footer template. To define a footer template, nest an <ng-template> tag with a kendoDropDownTreeFooterTemplate directive inside a <kendo-dropdowntree> tag.

The template context is set to the current DropDownTree component.

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No-Data Template

To customize the content of the drop-down list when no data is available, use a no-data template. To define a no-data template, nest an <ng-template> tag with a kendoDropDownTreeNoDataTemplate directive inside a <kendo-dropdowntree> tag.

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