Kendo UI for Angular

Latest Release
12 September 2023

13.5.0 (2023-09-12)

  • dropdownlist, dropdowntree: click event propagation is stopped b079a00
  • fileselect: focus and blur events not emitted correctly 56dab21
  • grid, treelist: sizing classes omitted in PDF export 3d0bae8
  • scheduler: start and end apply timezone d0304da
  • tilelayout: update reorder logic to support relative component position d26705a
  • timepicker: range validation with same minute min and max 87d102e
  • upload: clear and upload action buttons not working via keyboard fa8def2
  • upload: focus and blur events not emitted correctly 25d6fc0
  • add license validation watermark 6f04139
  • schematics: angular@16 support and simplified options 1a7515f

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0

Current Dev
11 September 2023

13.5.0-develop.2 (2023-09-11)

  • timepicker: range validation with same minute min and max 87d102e

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0

29 August 2023

13.4.0 (2023-08-29)

Bug Fixes

  • charts: update kendo-charts to v1.31
  • dateinput: dateinputcustomformatplaceholder interface is missing millisecond
  • draganddrop: incorrect cursor style
  • dropdowns: accessibility for grouped items
  • filter: update keyboard navigation
  • grid: column menu a11y compliance
  • grid: expand not working without kendoGridExpandGroupBy callback
  • grid: wrong prev and next pager buttons rendering
  • grid: header and footer styles not respected when a column is sticky
  • grid: scrolling issue with virtual columns and column menu
  • grid: unexpected scrolling when hiding or locking a column
  • grid: update @progress/kendo-drawing to 1.17.6
  • scheduler: timeline errors using empty resources data array
  • treelist: filter-cell-operators does not expose the column input


  • breadcrumb: add size option 782d982
  • charts: pyramid chart be599e4
  • dropdowns: add showStickyHeader option 0f61172

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.7.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.7.0

16 August 2023

13.3.0 (2023-08-16)

Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: csp compliance 5b75677
  • dateinputs: csp compliance 3b45922
  • dropdowns: add missing k-button-icon class fe2788e
  • dropdowns: csp compliance de70ecd
  • dropdowntree: popup closes on item click b1389a1
  • expansionpanel: incorrect wrapper aria-controls a5e7341
  • grid, treelist: column sort status duplication in JAWS 0a5014a
  • pdfviewer: add PDFViewerTool export 6107b08
  • popup: menu popup repositioning in RTL mode 962c075
  • textarea: overflowing content canot be scrolled bc065f9
  • upload: cannot upload empty file when chunk is enabled bbf8142


  • datepicker: add parentViewButtonTitle custom message 1fe7db3
  • datetimepicker: add parentViewButtonTitle custom message 89bf7b6

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.6.0

2 August 2023

Bug Fixes

  • chip: incorrect close icon size 15989ea
  • datepicker, datetimepicker, timepicker: destroying the component on mousedown throws c11022b
  • draganddrop: onDrag event emitted when threshold is not reached 52042f3
  • draganddrop: onDrop event emitted inconsistently e490777
  • dropdownbutton, splitbutton: popup does not close when leaving viewport b0dc4b8
  • editor: update common package version 9283cf4
  • filter: the default filter field is null 2c78300
  • grid: aria-rowindex rendered on wrong elements 9d6f59f
  • grid: column dragging indicators cause error in firefox 9bcacc2
  • grid: incorrect aria-owns attribute with locked and spanned columns 9625207
  • grid: incorrect kb navigation with dynamically locked column 62b1843
  • grid: incorrect keyboard navigation with detail template and filtering enabled c7fb77c
  • grid: redundant aria-owns with spanned and no locked columns 56d793a
  • listview: closeItem and editItem methods don't work in a subscription 2bb88a1
  • pdfviewer: canvas is empty on iOS devices 878e8aa
  • pdfviewer: file select error event not emitted d9902d6
  • pdfviewer: iPad Pro not detected on Safari 191ea69
  • pdfviewer: text overlay misaligned 29864e1
  • scheduler: offsetPositionsFirst message for recurrence editor not read bac1347
  • tabstrip: tab close button submits a form 49b6f38
  • treelist: aria-rowindex rendered on wrong elements f0320a6
  • treelist: column reorder indicators cause error in firefox 3433b72
  • treelist: incorrect aria-owns attribute with locked and spanned columns 6e7f011
  • treelist: redundant aria-owns with spanned and no locked columns f0aec29
  • treelist: typo in pdf component subscription 00ddd86
  • treeview: child node checkboxes do not respect the size property c99c9c8

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.6.0

18 July 2023

13.2.0 (2023-07-18)

Bug Fixes

  • charts: breadcrumb is not reset when setting drilldownLevel
  • dropdownlist, dropdowntree: click event propagates
  • filter: fix whitespace alignment for the expression operators
  • gantt: header dates disregard locale
  • listview: ng add does not install the package
  • scheduler: date picker popup does not open in Safari on click
  • scheduler: empty resources cause error
  • switch: comply with latest a11y spec


  • gantt: introduce timeline headers date formatting
  • switch: add SwitchFocusEvent and SwitchBlurEvent
  • treeview: conditional checkboxes rendering

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.6.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.6.0

28 June 2023

13.1.0 (2023-06-28)

Bug Fixes

  • button: add ButtonComponent export
  • dropdowns: adaptive mode buttons submit form
  • dropdowns: adaptive mode close button submits form
  • grid: filter-cell-operators not setting aria-label properly
  • pdfviewer: passed zoom not reflected in zoomlevel chooser combobox
  • scheduler: load more icon in month view not rendered properly
  • tabstrip: identical tab ids
  • treelist: memory leak in internal service


  • icons: fallback to font icon when svg icon is not set
  • pdfviewer: enhance document quality

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0

13 June 2023

Bug Fixes

  • charts: update imports from @angular/core 9af92ea
  • grid: new records ignored when reordering rows 474692b
  • grid: selection aggregates not calculated properly on shift click 185f3ea
  • pdfviewer: ng add imports PdfviewerModule instead of PDFViewerModule 2ca0d45
  • pivotgrid: improve headers a11y 3f0181c
  • scheduler: timeline slot template has incorrect date 3ec436f

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0

7 June 2023

Bug Fixes

  • pdfviewer: bump @progress/kendo-pdfviewer-common to v.0.1.3 7dadb60

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0

6 June 2023

Bug Fixes

  • stepper: does not render svg icon 6843eb2

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0

6 June 2023

13.0.0 (2023-06-06)

Bug Fixes

  • dateinputs: aria-controls aria-activedescendent not set
  • dateinputs: close icon in actionsheet is focusable
  • daterange: keyboard navigation improvements
  • datetimepicker: wrong aria-haspopup attribute value
  • datetimepicker: input is not focused after closing actionsheet
  • draganddrop: container dragStart event is emitted twice
  • draganddrop: container drop events emit incorrect drag target argument
  • draganddrop: cursor style overridden
  • draganddrop: dropDisabled value not respected
  • draganddrop: update drag target cursor styling
  • editor: pasting plain text does not work
  • editor: toolbar tools state not updated properly
  • editor font color not applied to the underline decoration
  • grid: filter row navigation error with async data
  • grid: resolve a11y issues
  • label: clicking on a label associated with an upload opens it twice
  • menu: add support for custom svg icon fields
  • pivotgrid: chip menu not toggled with keyboard with svg
  • scheduler: pdf export directive does not provide initial svg icon
  • scheduler: wrong direction for svg arrow icons
  • sortable: uses incorrect element with kendoDraggable attribute
  • tabstrip: uses .k-content instead of .k-tabstrip-content
  • tooltip: expose showAfter input in tooltip settings
  • treelist: header does not gain focus on click with enabled sorting
  • treelist: resolve a11y issues
  • grid, treelist: add svg icons support for column reorder hint


  • actionsheet: add titleId input property
  • charts: add Drilldown support
  • grid: introduce column menu tabbed interface
  • grid: enhance SelectionEvent to allow range selection across different pages
  • grid: introduce cell selection aggregates
  • grid: introduce selection starting item option
  • label: introduce labelCssClass and labelCssStyle options
  • pdfviewer: introduce PDFViewer component
  • treelist: add rows reordering


  • icons svg has replaced font as the default icon type - see more details
  • grid: @progress/kendo-angular-layout added as a peer dependency
  • treelist: @progress/kendo-angular-utils added as a peer dependency
  • charts: Adds peer dependency on @progress/kendo-angular-navigation
  • draganddrop: DragTargetIdFn callback now accepts a DragTargetIdArgs object
  • draganddrop: DragTargetDataFn callback now accepts a DragTargetDataArgs object
  • draganddrop: drag event is renamed to onDrag
  • draganddrop: drop event is renamed to onDrop
  • draganddrop: dragEnd event is renamed to onDragEnd
  • draganddrop: dragReady event is renamed to onDragReady
  • draganddrop: dragStart event is renamed to onDragStart
  • draganddrop: press event is renamed to onPress
  • draganddrop: release event is renamed to onRelease
  • draganddrop: dragOver event is renamed to onDragOver
  • draganddrop: dragLeave event is renamed to onDragLeave
  • draganddrop: dragEnter event is renamed to onDragEnter

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.4.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.4.0

17 May 2023

12.1.0 (2023-05-17)

  • calendar: all titles are read 1d9d94c
  • calendar: aria-hidden is set on th e17c40b
  • datetimepicker: focus is not trapped in popup cd15c2b
  • draganddrop: target initiates drag when handle selector is set but element is missing eb3130d
  • timepicker: focus is not trapped in popup daf4d26
  • treeview: accessibility errors when filterable e73e493
  • treelist: add toolbar kb navigation a8e16cc
  • treelist: pager a11y aa83b40
  • treelist: pager kb navigation 0aa4828
  • treelist: toolbar a11y 8d4e32d
  • treelist: treelist a11y a6637b0

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.3.0

4 May 2023

  • listbox: kb navigation does not respect newly added items a4df74d
  • listbox: toolbar button click triggers form submit 682bd55
  • mark as compatible with Angular v.16 2a09100
  • pivotgrid: focus is not wrapped in the chipmenu ed68a07
  • pivotgrid: some configurator kb navigation shortcuts work on mac only 920d10b

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.3.0

25 April 2023

Bug Fixes

  • bottomnavigation: remove redundant aria-selected attribute
  • breadcrumb, bottomnavigation: item svg icons not rendered
  • breadcrumb: adjust a11y on items
  • editor: possible xss attack on paste
  • grid: cursor flickers during row reorder
  • multiselecttree: arrow up skips focusing first item in adaptive mode
  • scheduler: misaligned events
  • scrollview: add role and aria-label attributes to pager buttons
  • slider: remove redundant role on increase / decrease buttons
  • tabstrip: closable SVGIcon not rendered
  • toolbar: add aria-pressed on buttons in buttongroup


  • autocomplete: adaptive mode
  • combobox: adaptive mode
  • dialog: update action layout options
  • dropdownlist: adaptive mode
  • dropdowntree: adaptive mode
  • grid: add rows reordering
  • multicolumncombobox: adaptive mode
  • multiselect: adaptive mode
  • utils: add DragTargetContainer and DropTargetContainer directives
  • draganddrop: add DragTargetContainer and DropTargetContainer directives
  • draganddrop: add dragData property
  • draganddrop: provide a configuration for rendering default hint
  • draganddrop: add mode option


  • dialog: deprecated "normal" action layout option. Use the new "start" option instead.
  • grid: @progress/kendo-angular-utils added as a peer dependency
  • draganddrop: the allowedDragTargets option and AllowedTargetFn of the DropTarget directive are removed
  • draganddrop: the normalizedEvent and hostElement arguments of the DragTarget events are deprecated. Please use the dragEvent and dragTarget options instead.
  • draganddrop: the hintTemplate option of the DragTarget directive is now hint
  • draganddrop: the link option of the DragTarget directive is now dragTargetId
  • draganddrop: all DropTarget directive events now emit a unified event type DropTargetEvent

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.3.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.3.0

5 April 2023


  • listbox: add rtl mode defaa79

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.2.0

5 April 2023

Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: elements with negative tabindex are focusable c5e5060
  • avatar: svg icons not rendered 3c4b0db
  • charts: do not scroll document on selection change fa83839
  • charts: enable series highlight and tooltips with selection overlay 8bb5188
  • colorpallete: change aria-activedescendant when focusing a cell 871e01a
  • common: add kendo-common dependency f5b6586
  • datetimepicker: isOpen returns undefined 1d6bad6
  • datetimepicker: kendo-virtualization has tabindex=-1 cf92735
  • datetimepicker: missing aria-label on kendo-timelist 26977a8
  • datetimepicker: missing aria-label on kendo-timelist 51392b0
  • floatingactionbutton: fix item roving tabindex 3ff4852
  • grid, treelist, pager: update text color in page select element in material theme b5e1118
  • grid, treelist: invalid styling applied to textbox 920200e
  • grid: footers misplaced when shown conditionally 0401e29
  • listbox: missing export of CustomMessagesComponent 842fd3e
  • map: do not scroll document on zoom in FF ad29d61
  • pivotgrid: configurator checkboxes cause axe errors 75c3d5d
  • popup: changing position is not animated with script optimizations 45a798d
  • scheduler: .k-nav-curren submits form d3c5d84
  • scheduler: accessibility errors 0f426fc
  • signature: escape key doesnt always close signature popup 69142c2
  • signature: form is submitted when signature buttons are pressed 91a10db
  • textarea: horizontal resize does not work 228af76
  • toolbar: emit close event when closing overflow popup with escape 28a83c7
  • treelist: k-treelist-tbody-tr-expanded e2e rule fails c182798
  • treeview: load more button keeps spinning 3a6792e


  • avatar: introduce imageAlt l10n message 49df481
  • conversational-ui: introduce avatarAlt option 8400446
  • listbox: add localization b52fb49
  • stock-chart: add navigator position option 0810910

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.2.0

15 March 2023

Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: triggerItemClick is triggered when using template 3871d47
  • dateinputs: inline styles violate CSP 312053e
  • dateinputs: resize sensor not handled properly 5b7d9e9
  • dateinputs: wrong import path 06f4f17
  • datepicker: actionsheet closes when close event is prevented 4861245
  • datepicker: actionsheet does not open from bottom 03e8c8e
  • daterange: selection in adaptive to work on accept de1cc43
  • datetimepicker: adjust behavior and rendering b0e3dc6
  • docs: revert chart overview articles 9e7b16e
  • editor: error when clicking tools after first row e4ac226
  • editor: textarea in the view source dialog does not expand properly a95043b
  • gantt: missing space between the form fields in popup edit form cd57570
  • gantt: popup edit form inputs do not get focused when their label is clicked 15ff387
  • grid: a11y compliance d4a937c
  • imports 679002d
  • remove remove duplicate styles for actions c283fbc
  • upload: add type button to upload button 94f320c


  • actionsheet: add optional parameter to toggle method 424a977
  • chiplist: add keyboard navigation and navigable option f8332c2
  • datepicker: enable adaptive mode 28b5a46
  • daterange: enable adaptive mode 50266cd
  • datetimepicker: enable adaptive mode bceee87
  • grid: add header grouping KB navigation shortcut d9855b2
  • grid: add kb shortcut for reordering columns f2d049f
  • grid: introduce kendoGridToolbarFocusable directive 3b54fbf
  • listbox: a11y compliance 2600f3b
  • listbox: add keyboard navigation 6b29cf3
  • scrollview: a11y compliance 29c2eb0
  • timepicker: enable adaptive mode e4a2353
  • timepicker: handle resize sensor to close adaptive 23828fe
  • timepicker: open actionsheet on input click dc90a95

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.2.0
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.2.0

1 March 2023

Bug Fixes

  • buttongroup: incorrect focus behavior in Safari
  • colorpalette: selected state is not persisted
  • colorpicker: cannot tab between rgb inputs when opacity is false
  • colorpicker: trap focus when gradient view is active
  • draganddrop: dropping throws error
  • drawer: should not render html element when no icon is provided
  • dropdownbutton: open and close events are fired with toggle method
  • dropdowns: improve a11y compliance
  • menu, contextmenu: improve a11y compliance
  • signature: error on maximize/minimize click
  • signature: export signature with same dimensions when using popup
  • signature: expression changed error when reading theme colors
  • signature: focus minimize button on dialog open
  • signature: move first tab stop to image
  • splitbutton: open and close events are fired with toggle method
  • splitter: wrong aria-orientation on splitbar element


  • conversational-ui: a11y compliance

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.0.2

15 February 2023

Bug Fixes

  • actionsheet: update HeaderTemplate rendering 8be6383
  • buttongroup: kendo-button content is not detected 94aaea0
  • colorpicker: custom css properties are not set 3d3bd75
  • editor: adapt to ProseMirror transform breaking change 3ccec24
  • editor: error when setting the same value in form eb58ab1
  • editor: required form control not invalided when empty 25df567
  • filter: format is not applied for new FilterExpressions f067000
  • filter: throws error after updating value dynamically 99fdee3
  • grid, treelist, gantt: wrong k-table-alt-row class applied cbc6f56
  • grid: clicking a partially visible row in a navigable grid does not select it 3f94ff2
  • grid: ColumnListComponent is not exported from the package (#318) 3bf8308
  • icons: a11y compliance 9e7ee7d
  • notification: a11y compliance b1c1436
  • scheduler: mismatched day of the week in month view f41fd01
  • splitbutton, dropdownbutton: icons are rendered twice in popup 3a13b2c
  • splitbutton, dropdownbutton: svg icons not rendered in list items af9e312
  • toolbar: tools text not updated asynchronously 8d35e64
  • toolbar: tools text not updated dynamically ed08d9d
  • treelist: allow Enter to focus cell children in expandable columns 7d85721


  • actionsheet: add animation support 1a1c57b
  • actionsheet: introduce ActionSheetTemplate 0b5d465
  • actionsheet: introduce cssClass option a7d51d2
  • bottomnavigation: a11y compliance dbff994
  • breadcrumb: a11y compliance c729838
  • gantt: add tooltipAriaLabel option, improved a11y compliance bdfd9ca
  • sortable: a11y compliance 00f4380
  • upload: a11y compliance 1c0cba7

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.0.2

1 February 2023

Bug Fixes

  • button cannot be focused with tab when created using kendo-button
  • dialog: focus not trapped when splitbutton is last focusable element
  • drawer: cannot focus drawer initially using tab
  • editor: backspace not working when there is no initial value
  • editor: forecolor and backcolor clear button does not work
  • editor @progress/kendo-angular-label package is listed as a peer dependency
  • grid: incorrect colspan when nested group header has multiple children
  • icons: theme color not applied to icons in icon buttons
  • label: associating with Upload or FileSelect causes an error
  • progressbar: wrong reverse chunk progressbar direction
  • scheduler: enums not exported in web module
  • tabstrip: aria-controls attribute is incorrectly set on all tabs
  • toolbar: overflow popup closes when exceeding the page height
  • upload, fileselect: templates are rendered twice
  • upload, fileselect: using the upload or fileselect in a formfield triggers an error


  • popover: a11y compliance
  • toolbar: add svg icons support for dropdown and splitbutton tools

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.0.2
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.0.2

18 January 2023

Bug Fixes

  • angular peers version 22905f1
  • apply strict CSP style-src support 3148345
  • update kendo-drawing dependency d1dfb13
  • buttons: server-side rendering error when using an icon 43b0c9f
  • calendar: unify rendering bdadc3f
  • charts: use the 'primary' theme variable instead of the deprecated 'accent' 4656d52
  • chip: styling classes are not updated when values are changed dynamically 08adb46
  • colorpicker: display preview if svgicon is not set b0f5a95
  • common: remove @angular/forms dependency 678b7a6
  • dialog: server-side rendering error 34b38c3
  • dropdowns: append to component breaks popup behavior 6002fa8
  • dropdowns: server-side rendering error 240b5e3
  • dropdowntrees: filter input loses focus while typing cee9dd0
  • editor: unify rendering a2609e5
  • floating-label: listens to wrong event onValueChange 2cd846f
  • gantt: add sizing and table classes d803857
  • grid: server-side rendering error dcf0890
  • grid: unify grouping panel rendering 0652b38
  • icons: server-side rendering errors 308f318
  • inputs: gradient handle rendered outside FlatColorPicker with activeView=palette and columns > 10 b18b674
  • inputs: server-side rendering errors f71c2c9
  • intl: locale exports a765ae9
  • label: server-side rendering error in floating label 9de4744
  • layout: broken card action buttons b84134d
  • layout: error during server-side rendering 1b47344
  • listbox: unify rendering 4896991
  • listview: unify rendering 785baf9
  • multiselecttree: the value is not changed on Enter b1a149e
  • ng-add: error on ng-add with Yarn f9975b7
  • ng-add: install kendo-themes v6 8852e6f
  • ng-add: pin peer dependency versions 6bc9159
  • notification: unify rendering 234100d
  • pivotgrid: remove kendo-draggable peer dependency c68dee1
  • progressbar: server-side error in circular progress bar 0f7aa4c
  • progressbar: unify rendering 21d6e13
  • scheduler: rendering misalignment in multi-week view with resources ba4f919
  • scheduler: server-side rendering errors 5886320
  • tooltip: server-side rendering errors c95b975
  • treelist: add default sizing classes cb5424f
  • treelist: add k-grid-md class 478221c
  • treelist: server-side rendering error aa0cb4f
  • treelist: server-side rendering error d1de5ac
  • treeview: filtering not hiding items 5dda767
  • upload: unify rendering 59c87bb


  • add SVG icons support bd781e0
  • buttons: add selector 6808d32
  • buttons: add SVG icon support for Button c38dfe9
  • buttons: add SVG Icon support for Chip f6c4fc1
  • buttons: add SVG icon support for FloatingActionButton fc2b6ac
  • dropdowntree, multiselecttree: printable charachters abfb5ac
  • grid: introduce size option 6da0fe3
  • icons: introduce icon service and injection token 04f068e
  • inputs: add SVG icon support 0fcc44b
  • layout: add SVG icon support d98f92d
  • menu: add SVG icons support 75487ae
  • menu: make item icon configurable f4470ba
  • navigation: add SVG icons support 91856fa
  • notification: add SVG icons support b0b9b37
  • pager: add size option 6198d8c
  • pager: add SVG icons support 6cf902a
  • pivotgrid: add SVG icons support aa3e38f
  • scheduler: add multi-week view 40d98d2
  • scheduler: add support for SVG icons 1e2db3b
  • scheduler: add SVG icons support e54b541
  • scrollview: add SVG icons support 8db052d
  • support of SVG icons for Chat, Filter, Dialogs 1ce4fa2
  • synchronize package versions 265a6f3
  • toolbar: add size option 9c27efe
  • toolbar: add SVG icons support (#178) 248ac5a
  • tooltip: add SVG icons support 179deab
  • treelist: add support for SVG icons b4cad4e
  • treeview: add SVG icons support 40c6ba4
  • upload: add SVG icons support (#166) 147152b


  • Sync package versions starting from v11.0.0
  • button: the button is now a Component and not a Directive; it can no longer be extended by a Directive.
  • editor: @progress/kendo-angular-icons package is a new peer dependency.
  • navigation: @progress/kendo-angular-icons package is a new peer dependency
  • gantt: @progress/kendo-angular-icons added as a peer dependency
  • pivotgrid: @progress/kendo-angular-icons added as a peer dependency
  • toolbar: @progress/kendo-angular-icons added as a peer dependency
  • layout: @progress/kendo-angular-icons added as a peer dependency
  • layout: Change closeIcon input for Kendo icons only and introduce closeIconClass for defining custom css icons and classes.
  • layout: @progress/kendo-angular-buttons added as a peer dependency
  • upload: @progress/kendo-angular-icons added as a peer dependency
  • inputs: @progress/kendo-angular-icons added as a peer dependency
  • grid: The grouping panel now uses the ChipList and Chip components instead of the custom GroupIndicator component.
  • calendar: The "Today" navigation element is now a flat button and has the k-today class removed.
  • dateinputs: @progress/kendo-angular-buttons added as a peer dependency

Supported Themes

  • @progress/kendo-theme-bootstrap: ^6.0.3
  • @progress/kendo-theme-default: ^6.0.3
  • @progress/kendo-theme-fluent: ^6.0.3
  • @progress/kendo-theme-material: ^6.0.3

21 October 2022

Placeholder tag to set the starting version number for all packages.